The Limited Times

"Papaya and Goat Found Infected in Corona" Israel today

5/10/2020, 7:03:04 PM

| Worth a click

President of Tanzania, who opposes restrictions on corona virus in his country, said tests carried out on fruit and animal samples returned positive • "Something here stinks"

  • Papia Seller in West Africa Market // Photo: Reuters

After US President Trump has already offered to inject bleach to Corona patients, it turns out that another president thinks the entire Corona disease is one big Pike News and nothing more. 

Tanzania President John Mugoli, who initially refused to announce strong closures in the country and urged the public to continue to pray in churches and mosques, said last weekend that intense blood samples and papaya fragrances he sent to his Central Laboratory in the country returned positive to Corona. 

"Something stinks in all these tests when you send a papaya test and it comes back positive so what? All the papayas have to be quarantined? We sent them to the lab a goat blood test and it's positive and negative and sheep and back negative. So when you see it, you goat Understand that someone with lots of money may have bought the lab workers. " Previously, the president claimed that his men also sent machine oil, blood from a local bird, and other results when each of the samples was given a man or woman's name and the results returned either positive or negative without any logic at all. 

The president said: "A healthy person may have a positive result for Corona and he will die of fear and not of Corona. So I want to say to all the people of Tanzania, Africa and the whole world, the flu has always been here. "The president said as he hinted at an international conspiracy.

These allegations by the African President were immediately prompted by the CDC Africa, the World Health Organization of Africa that bought Tanzania and other countries on the continent for corona diagnostics along with the billionaire and founder of Ali Baba Jack Ma. The statement said, "There are no flaws in tests sent to Tanzania and the same tests sent to all Africa. We help all countries on the continent and explain how to conduct these tests," he said. The organization also claimed with certainty that "the tests that arrived in Tanzania were not as contaminated with the virus in the first place as some claim. We tested the tests well." 

Meanwhile, in order to protect the dignity of the president, a government spokesman in Tanzania said that "a committee has been set up to review the results with us. What the president said is only based on the initial information on the issue." At the same time, he has resigned as director of medical laboratories in the state and it seems that in the near future he will have time to eat papaya and goats.