The Limited Times

Cold shower to finance the dependency plan

5/10/2020, 9:24:28 PM

Often postponed by previous governments, this major societal project can hardly be postponed.

The expected end of the Social Security hole has been whetting for several months many appetites ... which are likely to be disappointed.

In fact, with the return to better fortune, the Social Debt Amortization Fund (Cades), responsible for amortizing the accumulated deficits of the social security scheme, was to be extinguished in 2024 ... and to release its resources, made up of the contribution for the reimbursement of social debt (CRDS), a fraction of the generalized social contribution (CSG) and a payment from the Pension Reserve Fund (FRR). In total, a windfall of 18 billion euros last year. Some coveted all or part of this sum to support the pension reform, which no one now knows what will become of it. Others hoped to recover them to finance the great dependency law for the elderly, promised by the President of the Republic.

Repeatedly rejected by previous governments, this major societal project can hardly be postponed

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