The Limited Times

Coronavirus, Ascani: 'Three scenarios for the school based on the virus trend'

5/10/2020, 10:36:04 AM

The Deputy Minister of Education Ascani: 'Elementary and middle school in presence, distance learning for the older children' (ANSA)

 On the return to school "together with the committee we are imagining three different scenarios depending on the progress of the epidemic. All these scenarios take into account that the school orders are not all the same, in particular younger children absolutely need to recover a relationship in presence. So in primary and secondary school, translated into elementary and middle school, we imagine we can have school in presence. Naturally reducing class groups, therefore for example making sure that one class is divided into two, but multiplying the activities that are done, that is adding more music, art, sport, digital creativity and workshops to traditional curricula.
    For this reason, we are using other spaces that we are identifying together with the local authorities. "Education deputy minister Anna Ascani told Sky TG24." that a part of the activity is still done in the presence, because they too need to go back to school, but in this case most likely the distance learning will continue to be a part of their curriculum. The activity in attendance will be less than in the past and will be integrated with distance learning, which has worked better especially in secondary schools ".
    " We are also dealing with the Ministry of Economy to understand to what extent we we will be able to count on an expansion of staff. We will certainly need specialized professionals for new activities. Of course, the Municipalities also have important relationships with Third Sector entities and associations that can take on a piece of these educational activities, but for us it is important to have a strengthened staff, because of course it is what allows us to organize more activities ".