The Limited Times

Coronavirus: South Korea, guard remains high

5/10/2020, 12:27:04 PM

The new outbreak of coronavirus cases in South Korea, which led to the closure of clubs and bars in Seoul, "makes us understand that this kind of situation can occur at any time, even in a stabilization phase": it has called the pres ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - SEUL, MAY 10 - The new hotbed of coronavirus cases in South Korea, which led to the closure of the premises and bars in Seoul, "makes us understand that this kind of dislocation can occur at any time, even in a phase of stabilization, "said South Korean President Moon Jae-in, stressing that the emergency" won't be over until it's really over. "
    At the end of February, South Korea was the country most affected by the coronavirus together with China, but its response to the virus was praised all over the world for its effectiveness: the 'track, head and cure' strategy brought the country to a partial normalcy , on which this cold shower has now arrived. Over 50 cases of contagion have been linked to just one 29-year-old man who attended five clubs and bars in the Itaewon neighborhood last week. "Neglect can lead to an explosion of infections," said Seoul Mayor ParkWon-soon.