The Limited Times

Dl Relaunch, maxi decree with 258 articles

5/10/2020, 11:33:04 AM

The draft: 80% bonus on spending to reopen businesses. At 3pm meeting of the heads of delegation with Conte (ANSA)

A maxi decree with 258 articles. This is how the relaunch decree is presented in a draft of this night. The measures range from health and safety, to support for businesses and the economy, to protection of savings and the credit sector.

The meeting of the majority delegation heads with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte is scheduled for 3 pm .

The draft decree provides for a tax credit of 80%, for a maximum of 80 thousand euros, for the investment costs necessary for the safe reopening of economic activities . The measure concerns the interventions necessary to enforce sanitary prescriptions and containment measures against the spread of COVID-19, such as "building interventions for the refurbishment of changing rooms, canteens, construction of medical spaces, entrances and common spaces"; safety furnishings or those for the purchase of "working technology" and "equipment for controlling the temperature of employees".

M5S, 16 billion for another 9 weeks of CIG - "In the next law decree that the government is about to approve, more than 16 billion will be allocated for another 9 weeks of wages and salary integration fund allowances. Concrete support for millions of citizens that, due to the Coronavirus emergency, they are going through this moment of extreme difficulty. We have always said it and we reiterate it: because of the crisis nobody has to lose their job and the government's action is going in the right direction ". This was stated in a note by the deputies of the 5 Star Movement of the Work Committee in the Chamber.