The Limited Times

Girl bitten by grandparents dog, very serious

5/10/2020, 3:36:21 PM

A one year and 10 month old girl was shot in the head by a dog. It happened in Cividate Camuno, in the Camonica Valley, in the Brescia area. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - BRESCIA, MAY 10 - A one-year-old and 10-month-old girl was killed in the head by a dog. It happened in CividateCamuno, in the Camonica Valley, in the Brescia area. The little girl was playing in the garden of her grandparents' house when she was attacked by a boxer dog, owned by the same grandparents. Her condition appeared immediately very serious and she was transported to the hospital in Bergamo. During the transfer, the girl allegedly suffered a cardiac arrest and now the conditions are defined as desperate.