The Limited Times

Guillaume Tabard: "At LREM, little maneuvers, big consequences"

5/10/2020, 6:48:10 PM

COUNTERPOINT - The launch of a ninth group at the Assembly, "Ecology, Democracy and Solidarity", is poorly worded, inconsistent and indecent.

For a president who speaks of "national harmony" and dreams of heckling the frontiers of political life again, the operation to emancipate some of his people is a mess.

The launch of a ninth group in the Assembly, called Ecology, Democracy and Solidarity, revealed on Friday by Les Échos, is poorly crafted, incoherent and indecent. Badly tied because the announcement is made when the "coup" is not ready. Of the 58 signatories to the call, how many will actually join the future group? Inconsistent because these vigils of Macronian "progressivism" dissent when the five-year period converts to ecological urgency and social obligation, when they had no problem of conscience in the most liberal phase of the mandate.

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Then indecent because these little-known elected officials, some of whom boasted of being the pioneers of the adventure (Aurélien Taché, Guillaume Chiche), allowed themselves to build their own group "neither in the majority nor in the opposition" , so

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