The Limited Times

Johnson announces slight easing

5/10/2020, 7:18:11 PM

Be vigilant, but out of the house - and outdoor sports should also be allowed from Wednesday. However, Boris Johnson's easing only applies to part of the UK.

Be vigilant, but out of the house - and outdoor sports should also be allowed from Wednesday. However, Boris Johnson's easing only applies to part of the UK.

London (dpa) - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Sunday a cautious easing of contact restrictions in the coronavirus pandemic.

"The number of deaths is tragic, the suffering immense," Johnson said in a televised speech that evening. Nevertheless, the virus had been slowed down. Therefore, loosening can now be started in slow steps.

People are no longer called to stay at home, but to be "vigilant". If you can't work from home, you should go back to work observing the distance rules, says Johnson. From next Wednesday onwards, physical activities outdoors are again allowed, as long as they remain in the circle of their own household. Travel within England, for example to national parks or to the coast, will also be permitted again.

Shops and schools could be gradually opened again at the beginning of June at the earliest. From July onwards, it is possible to think of a partial opening of restaurants and businesses with public traffic.

Johnson also introduced a system of five levels of warning to assess the situation in the UK in the future. The classification will depend on the level of transmission of the virus, which is now slightly below one. He will present further details of his timetable in parliament on Monday, the conservative politician said.

The easing does not apply to the British parts of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon called on the Scots to remain at home. The government's message in London to be vigilant criticized it as vague. Opposition leader Keir Starmer of the Labor party also criticized the changes as unclear.

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