The Limited Times

Local radio station in Loire vandalized with Nazi inscriptions

5/10/2020, 7:57:33 PM

The premises of the associative radio Radio from here, which broadcasts on the Loire and the Ardèche, were vandalized Sunday by individuals claiming their membership of Nazism and the supremacist movement, AFP learned from the prosecution of Saint- Etienne.

Initial findings indicate that the authors destroyed some of the radio equipment with a hammer and a fire extinguisher. They ripped off sound protection from the walls of the recording studio shortly after 6 a.m., after having forced the door to access the radio.

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"Besides swastikas, they painted the inscription 14/88 in red on the walls, a symbol of belonging to the movement of white supremacists," said David Charmatz, the prosecutor of the Republic of Saint Etienne. They also allegedly spilled a flammable white spirit, found on the spot, before fleeing, after one of them found himself face to face with one of the occupants of the building where the radio is located. .

According to his story, "this individual who fled had his head shaved and part of his face covered with a scarf on which was drawn a skull , " said Louis Perego, founder of this local radio station, to AFP. associative "leftist sensibility, humanist and environmentalist" who employs four employees and about forty volunteers.

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The studios targeted by these malicious acts are those installed in an old school in Saint-Julien-Molin-Molette, in the Loire region. This associative radio station, created in 1996 and chaired by sociologist Patrice Berger, has others in Annonay.

In spite of the damage caused, the directors of Radio from here indicate to continue the diffusion of their programs on Internet, in streaming and in podcast.

The investigation was entrusted to the gendarmerie research brigade of Saint-Etienne.