The Limited Times

Mother's Day, here is the dedicated playlist

5/10/2020, 4:12:10 PM

From "Mamma I'm so happy" of the 1940s there is a whole playlist of songs to celebrate Mother's Day today. It was created ad hoc by the musical historians Luciano Ceri and Paolo Prato for the Italian Song Portal (http: //www.canzoneitaliana. (ANSA)

From "Mamma I'm so happy" of the 1940s there is a whole playlist of songs to celebrate Mother's Day today. It was created ad hoc by the musical historians Luciano Ceri and Paolo Prato for the Italian Song Portal (
    It starts with the famous song signed by the couple Bixio - Cherubini which was launched in the homonymous film by Guido Brignone by Beniamino Gigli, who sings it during the ocean crossing, on the steamship heading home, in front of a crowd of dumb and kidnapped emigrants. The film was released in 1941, in the middle of the war, and the song immediately became a classic that over the years was recorded by many - Pavarotti, Renato Zero, Bocelli.
    The songs on the mother are a pride of the Italian tradition.
    The golden age was the fifties, those of the Sanremo restoration, when sentimentalism and whining went crazy: "All the mothers in the world are beautiful, when a child hugs his heart" sings Gino Latilla, in All Mothers. But there is also an ironic piece, which has its first exponent in Natalino Otto, with Mum I want my girlfriend too. * There is the teenage Morandi * by Fatti sent by mom to get milk, the vintage format Bennato by Viva la mamma, in a twisted rhythm, the easygoing Jovanotti with Ciao mamma as I have fun and again, on the theme of dance, Bring me to dance by Luca Barbarossa. And then, the Neapolitan repertoire comes to the rescue.
    In Connola senza mamma, from 1932 the scene frames "the mothers of the emigrants who cry on the dock" and the refrain intones "cradle (connola) without mom, which cannot give happiness".
    Yet, there are also the children who tremble to leave for the promised land, and ask Mamma mia give me a hundred lire.
    Finally, a look at the songwriting, which has dedicated beautiful pages to mother, without rhetoric. Carmen Consoli in Black and White looks at a photo of her mother when she is three years old, and then twenty years old and regrets not having told her about herself. Zucchero invokes his "mother, save my soul" in the sweetest Mother.
    The distance from the mother is a central theme in many songs, including that of the New Trolls evening caress. Rarer is the image of the mother crying the dying son, one above all that of Fabrizio De Andrè in Three Mothers, where the figure of Mary is painted in its most human features, equal to those of all mothers.
    The playlist is available on, the portal of the ministry for cultural goods and activities and for tourism which, in this lockdown period, is following the great Italian events through music. (HANDLE).

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