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Musicians, humorists, presenters… here are the “Confined Stars of the Parisian”!

5/10/2020, 3:24:10 PM

Benjamin Biolay, Bob Sinclar, Cyril Lignac, Pierre-Emmanuel Barré… Here is the list of artists and programs that enchanted the editorial staff.

Without them, without them, this extraordinary period would have had a completely different flavor. In the fog, they were our beacons. In the gloom, they were a summer break. Every year, just before Christmas, the editorial team awards the “Etoiles du Parisien” to the artists who made us vibrate. In an exceptional situation, exceptional measure: here are our "Confined Parisian Stars", crowning artists and personalities who have entertained us, moved us, made us laugh, sing or dance these last eight weeks.


Nach, energetic

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It's 7:19 p.m. friends and it's time to say THANK YOU !! Thank you for these 34 sunsets spent together❤️ These 34 poetic, musical, philosophical, comic, moving early evenings ... watched around the world but lived hand in hand🕊 Thank you to all the wonderful artists I have had the chance to (re) discover🙏🏻 They inspired me a lot and learned a lot🌟 Find all the REPLAYs of all the shows in my IGTV !! And little gift, here is a little BEST OF of some pretty moments😍 Sweet kisses and take good care of yourself. NACH @yaronhermanofficial @marinebaousson @louischedidofficiel @jeannecherhal @tristanlopin @_timdup_ @coucoulesgirls @m_chedid @loladubini @tetetv @fefeoff @corine_fille_de_ta_region @eliesemounofficiel @laura_domenge @joseph__chedid @lamusiquedechat @marilouberry @ thomas.dutronc @cyril_dion @yseult___ @madamemonsieur @camillelellouche @lachicabelleville @ yannarthusbertrand @laura_felpin @ayomusic @kerenannmusic

A post shared by NachMusicOfficiel (@nachmusicofficiel) on Apr 28, 2020 at 10:28 am PDT

Like her brother Matthieu and her thematic lives, Anna Chedid, alias Nach, softened our confinement. His “7:19 pm” has even become an essential daily meeting since March 17 on Instagram. "I was on the road when everything stopped," says the singer. I wanted to keep this energy and the bond with the people I love. "

Every day, in her #kesketukonfines?, She sings, laughs, dances and receives a guest, talks about creation with her sisters Jeanne Cherhal and Keren Ann (also great in her head of 22 hours) and the actresses Camille Lellouche and Marilou Berry, talks about the planet with author-director Cyril Dion and photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand. A poetic bubble that comes in new forms, duets, festivals ...


Benjamin Biolay, intimate

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From the magic duo Julien Clerc🖤 and Etienne Roda Gil🖤. Hold on, the end of the start is in a few hours. Take good care of all of you. A thousand kisses. See you tomorrow . Benjamin #amourinfinisurnossoignants #julienclerc #zonerouge # purplesoul💜 #lamienneestcommeca

A post shared by Benjamin Biolay (@benjamin_biolay_) on May 9, 2020 at 5:56 am PDT

No life without music for Benjamin Biolay. All the more in confinement. So from March 19 the singer takes his guitar and starts to play and sing according to his desires of his moods. A cover, sometimes two a day, posted on Instagram, travels without baggage through the French song he loves so much: Brassens, Barbara, Bourvil, Salvador. Pieces of his own sometimes, like "Your heritage", especially those of others, such as "Shoulder Tatoo", by Etienne Daho, "Couleur Café" by Serge Gainsbourg or "Loin", from his friends in the Louis Trio Affair. A small daily wonder, in complete privacy.


Bob Sinclar, uninhibited

He barely knew how social media worked. So, at the start of the confinement, Bob Sinclar tried it. He launched into a live Facebook filmed with his phone from his studio, in front of his Parisian apartment, surrounded by his 35,000 records. The beginnings are approximate, the French DJ gropes, sometimes disappears from the screen. Then, over the days, he gets caught up in the game, varying the pleasures and the afternoons of programming: funk, disco, afro. An enchanted and uninhibited parenthesis followed daily by several hundred thousand people. A success which allows him to envisage a live from the Arc de Triomphe after the deconfinement.


Les Goguettes, c'est pas des Brel

"You wanted to see Macron and we saw Macron" ... In the category of songs hijacked during confinement, "Les Goguettes (in trio but four)" hands down our Star with their tasty cover, version coronavirus, "Vesoul" by Jacques Brel. Renamed “You Wanted to See the Living Room,” the song had more than 4 million views on YouTube and spread like wildfire on laptops. It must be said that musical parody is the specialty of this quartet, a girl and three boys, who have been scouring the scenes of France since 2013, inventing new texts over the news. If you missed them, quickly fix this error!


“One World”, Lady Gaga's crazy crazy bet

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It was not the new generation's Live Aid, but “One World: Together at Home” had a nice global impact. The confined festival organized by Lady Gaga on April 18 was watched in more than 50 countries by at least 270 million viewers - including 3.5 million in France -, and raised € 120 million to help caregivers via the Global Citizen charity. For the occasion, Lady Gaga managed to mobilize 70 stars from all continents, from French speakers Christine & The Queens, Angèle and Céline Dion to the Rolling Stones, gathered for fun and a good cause.


Lison Daniel has character!

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Isabelle phones her brother. . . #maisondefamille #lausondaniel #lescaracteres The pretty scarf comes from @objet_descale ❤️

A post shared by Lison Daniel (@ les.caracteres) on Apr 21, 2020 at 8:16 am PDT

She masters both the mask and the pen. The actress Lison Daniel, 27, began to talk about her at the start of confinement with her irresistible parody of bourgeois forced to go into exile in Saint-Lunaire. Viral on social networks, the video made it possible to shine the spotlight on the Instagram account. This is where the young woman, helped by her cousin, posts short videos - one minute, packed, it's weighed - in which she changes her character like her shirt thanks to filters that allow her to play as well a Marseillais whom a woman loves her Italian caterer. What hits the bull's eye? A chiselled writing in the service of a (brief) actress performance of a rare comic efficiency.


Pierre-Emmanuel Barré, boosted

We hesitated with Tom Villa who (very often) found the right tone in his videos. Or with Roman Frayssinet who took advantage of his confinement in Montreal to launch a very successful web series on the night tribulations of three friends. But difficult not to attribute the palm to Pierre-Emmanuel Barré. The ex-columnist of France Inter launched on March 14 in an ambitious and ferocious confinement Journal, fed every day from its Cévennes. Result: to date, over fifty videos boosted, acidic, daring. In a word, crossed out.


Mehdi Kerkouche, twirling

He started with four of his dancers with an amazing choreography from a distance on a song by Barry White. The result: over a million views in 24 hours. Mehdi Kerkouche did it again with another dance by screens interposed on an air by Yann Tiersen. He even organized a dance marathon on social media with Fauve Hautot, the Paris Opera ballet and Kamel Ouali. During this confinement, Mehdi Kerkouche caused our gloom to waltz.


The 2 hour session of France 2

French comedy classics, such as "la Grande Vadrouille", warmed our afternoons. StudioCanal - Les Films Corona / The Rank Organization  

As before going to the movies, compulsively consult the program. Ask yourself, after "les Tontons flingueurs" and "la Grande Vadrouille" from the first weekend, what we were going to (re) discover. Wait with excitement for the 2 p.m. session, even sign up for France 2's Twitter account, since the hot list was not in the TV magazine, to see Bébel again in "Cartouche" or "L'Homme de Rio", immerse yourself in the cape and sword peaks, from the "Hunchback" to "the Princess of Montpensier", signed by great filmmakers like Philippe de Broca and Bertrand Tavernier. To be 12 years old again in front of "Diabolo Menthe", to be worn pale at work because we could not win the "Colonel Chabert". France 2's “heritage” films have been so successful that they have even been entitled to a petition asking for more diversity, whether of periods or styles. Nobody is perfect. However, we often regretted having to work from 2 to 4 p.m.


Thank you Madelen and Henri

"Apostrophes", "Right of reply" or even "At the theater this evening" ... By launching Madelen, its platform with 13,000 archive contents and as many nuggets, the INA delighted from the first days of confinement for free 50,000 homes. They plunged back into the programs of their youth with delight. From May 11, the subscription will be free for the first month and then cost 2.99 euros monthly.

The Cinémathèque Française launched its virtual “room” online, called Henri, on April 9, for Henri Langlois, its founder. And Henri, it's a reserve of free nuggets that enchanted the confinement, like "The Fall of the Usher house", by Jean Epstein. Above all, Henri knew how to surf the news, by programming a formidable documentary on Christophe or two films by Gaspar Noé with Philippe Nahon after the disappearance of the actor. Thank you Henri.


"Everyone in the kitchen" is "crunchy gourmet"

From his kitchen, Cyril Lignac, confined, came to visit that of the millions of French people with whom he shared his recipes. Instagram / @ cyril_lignac  

Her messy hair, her southwest accent and her famous “greedy, crunchy” became the meeting place for confined gourmets, on M6, live at 6:45 pm. Set up in a few days, the show "Tous en cuisine" immediately found its audience, offering the Six audience records that it had not known for eight years at this time. With rice, pasta and what hangs in the cupboards, Cyril Lignac has deceived the boredom of the French by handing over to the stove for parents and children. Stronger than a cookbook, it was also a companion and revelation of confinement. And that's worth all the stars.


"Big Heads", big shape

“Laughter is a defense system. We have to move on, ”explains Laurent Ruquier, who has been hosting“ Les Grosses Têtes ”since 2014. YouTube  

At the height of the French crisis and anxiety, even the RTL shrink, Caroline Dublanche advised her nocturnal listeners: “Listen to the Big Heads. Because Laurent Ruquier and his cheerful gang kept their promise of a "laugh of resistance and resilience", with a flood of well-felt jokes on the Covid-19 and as many sharp cultural questions. Without audience, without leaving their studio, without taboo. Didier Raoult was compared to Patrick Sébastien. Roselyne Bachelot let go. In the middle of confinement, Pierre Bénichou died. It was THE iconic voice. The "Big Heads" shed a tear. And laughed again.


Alex Goude, the marathon runner

Alex Goude, who runs “Lumni House”, has spared no effort to maintain the link between confined students and their studies. Francetv. studio  

It is by far the animator who has worked the most in the last two months. It was to him that France Télévisions asked to introduce the “Lumni” courses, these educational programs offered by teachers and that France 4 has been broadcasting since the start of confinement. As well as the educational magazine "Maison Lumni". Useful programs to study our children, who could save France 4, threatened with disappearance. And Alex Goude is not about to go on vacation: "Lumni" will continue all summer, his confined game "Let's play at home" will go daily in early June. What about dictation? After gathering 1.75 million viewers last week, France 3 could quickly organize a second edition…


Mathieu Persan's “Stay at Home”

His beautiful “Stay at Home” poster was more effective than many speeches. Illustrator Mathieu Persan succeeded on March 13, even before confinement, in getting this message across far beyond our borders. Its poster, translated into 25 languages ​​and taken up by many personalities (Angèle, Jean Dujardin, the Director of Health, Jérôme Salomon ...) and thousands of Internet users, has become the symbol of containment.

"I had done it because a doctor friend had alerted me to the seriousness of the situation, but I was a far cry from thinking that it would take on such proportions," admits this 41-year-old resident of Montreuil who is made doubly useful by raising 80,000 euros for six hospitals in Lille, Rennes, Montpellier, Strasbourg and Lyon thanks to the sale of 3,157 autographed posters.