The Limited Times

Saudi forces of aggression renew their violations of the cease-fire agreement in Hodeidah

5/10/2020, 6:12:11 PM

Sana'a-Sana The Saudi aggression forces continued their violations of the ceasefire agreement in Al-Hodeidah governorate in Yemen and ART


The Saudi aggression forces continued their violations of the ceasefire agreement in Al-Hodeidah Governorate in Yemen and committed 60 new violations during the past 24 hours.

A source in the liaison and coordination officers' operations room to monitor breaches of aggression in Al Hudaydah told the Yemeni News Agency that the breaches included artillery and missile strikes and various types of machine guns and bullets.

The Saudi aggression forces and its mercenaries continue to target the Yemeni governorates, causing massive destruction and damage to public and private properties, where yesterday they targeted the Yemeni regions and launched raids in Saada governorate, as well as with automatic weapons, areas in the Hodeidah Governorate.

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