The Limited Times

Scandal in Finland: Malta's ambassador compares Merkel to Hitler - and resigns

5/10/2020, 9:06:28 PM

Malta's ambassador to Finland lost his job - because he compared Chancellor Angela Merkel to Hitler 75 years after the end of the Second World War.

Malta's ambassador to Finland lost his job - because he compared Chancellor Angela Merkel to Hitler 75 years after the end of the Second World War.

Valletta / Helsinki - So far unnoticed by the German public, a diplomatic scandal has occurred in Finland. Indirectly in focus: Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) - and probably resentment about Germany's role in Europe.

Angela Merkel at the center of a scandal: Maltese ambassador resigns

According to media reports, the Maltese ambassador to Finland has resigned because he compared Merkel with Adolf Hitler . According to Maltese media, Michael Zammit Tabona had written in a Facebook post that had since been deleted: “75 years ago we stopped Hitler. Who will stop Angela Merkel? It fulfilled Hitler's dream! To control Europe. " 

Hitler comparison costs ambassador the job: Malta wants to apologize to Germany

Malta's Foreign Minister Evarist Bartolo confirmed to the Times of Malta newspaper on Sunday that the ambassador had resigned and that an apology for the "insensitive" comment would be sent to Germany. The end of the Second World War was celebrated 75 years ago in Europe on Friday.

dpa / fn

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