The Limited Times

South Africa: over 10,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19

5/10/2020, 8:48:05 PM

South Africa has passed the 10,000 confirmed cases of new coronavirus, including 194 deaths, announced Sunday evening the Ministry of Health. "To date, the total number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 in South Africa is 10,015" , 595 more than the day before, said Minister of Health Zwelini Mkhize in a statement. The death toll rose to 194, eight more than the last death toll, and that of healings to 4,173.

Read also: LIVE - Coronavirus: 70 deaths in 24 hours, lowest daily toll since confinement

The minister noted "with concern" that 84% of the confirmed cases of Covid-19 are located in two of the country's nine provinces, the Eastern Cape (southeast) and the Western Cape (south), which includes the city of Cape Town. To date, South Africa, the country most affected by the pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa, has carried out more than 350,000 tests, the ministry's statement said.

Since May 1, the government has very gradually relaxed the containment measures in force since the end of March.