The Limited Times

That's not how writers sing

5/10/2020, 8:45:22 PM

Citrus Lifshitz

Among the many complainants about the "corrupt" size of the established government and the "unprecedented" number of ministers, particularly surprising in their criticism was Moshe Ya'alon and his colleague in the struggle for purity, Avigdor Lieberman. True, if the narrow coalition that Ya'alon and Torch sought to establish in support of the joint list were formed, it would have 47 Knesset members and 19 ministers, in accordance with the existing Basic Law; Far fewer than 32 ministers. But, in fact, the number of ministers needs to be examined in relation to the size of the coalition. 

Avigdor Lieberman headed the last coalition of five Knesset factions; Two of them served as government ministers. A ratio of 2.5 MKs per minister. Moreover, one of his party ministers played the role of defense minister, weighing in on several ministries. Is he not ashamed of the number of ministers now appearing? In the dream government of Lapid and Ya'alon there were 2.5 Knesset members for each minister, Just as in the coalition that is emerging, can Ya'alon be able to preach morality now? Their minority coalition in support of the joint list remains theoretical: It is worthwhile for Ya'alon and Lieberman to refresh their memory. In the first government where both were together, in 2009, there were "only" 31 ministers. Members of the Knesset, minister to all 2.4 Knesset members, More ministers, relatively speaking, from the existing government. 

But to judge the number of ministers, one must also understand the unique situation. The current coalition is based on (individual) equivalents between Netanyahu's right-wing bloc and Gantz. Lieberman and Ya'alon themselves were leaders of the right-wing bloc until 2019, and served as foreign and security ministers in previous governments. In the governments that led with Netanyahu, the bloc led them to minister for every 2.4 MKs in 2009 (26 ministers), for every 2.8 MKs in 2013 (17 ministers to 43 MKs), and minister for all 2.5 MKs in 2015 (24 ministers) In the establishment of the unity government, the right-wing bloc will receive much less, 16 ministers to 59 Knesset members, minister to all 3.7 Knesset members. 

We should ask Boogie Ya'alon, the person who supported without hesitation in inflating the number of government ministers in general, and the right in particular, in the last three governments - how should his humble behavior have to be handled by Benny Gantz? Could only appoint four ministers to 16 Netanyahu ministers, could they then stand more firmly on the principles they chose, engage in legal and governmental relations, or influence economic and social policy issues, or could Netanyahu stop and maintain equality in government? 

Netanyahu's right is far less satisfied with the current government than during the period when Ya'alon and Lieberman served as senior ministers, and Gantz's equality principle with Netanyahu must integrate many ministers and influencers on behalf of half the people who supported him, in order to uphold and advance their principles. His loyalty to his own constituents required it. The whining about the number of ministers stems from ignorance and superficiality, if not pure voting. 

Dr. Hadar Lifshitz is a lecturer in the Department of Citizenship at Efrata College and in the Department of Educational Administration at Orot College

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