The Limited Times

The UK will remain closed until at least June Israel today

5/10/2020, 8:45:28 PM

| Europe

The British Prime Minister said "This is not the time to end the closure", but announced that industrial workers could return to work • Johnson urged citizens to go on exercise

  • British Prime Minister Boris Johnson // Photo: IP

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Sunday in a planned speech that his country would not leave the Corona locks at least until early June, but also announced a series of easements.

"Now is not the time to end the closure. However, the government has taken some precautionary steps with a view to alleviating the state of the population," Johnson said during his speech. Johnson urged the citizens of his country to go out of their homes to perform sports and "get aired", while respecting the rules of social remoteness. 

"You can go out and sit in the sun, travel to other beautiful places around you, play sports games, but only with your family," Johnson said, urging his compatriots to take advantage of the weather and get out. Johnson announced that starting tomorrow, construction and industrial workers in the state will return to work and anyone who cannot work from home is welcome to do so, while maintaining the procedures. 

Alongside that, Johnson warned that the fines and penalties for those who violate the Corona regulations and guidelines would go up significantly. "There is a small minority that does not obey the guidelines. If there appear to be outbreaks in different areas, of course all relief will be eliminated," the prime minister added. 

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