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Thunderstorms in Ile-de-France: a hundred lightnings in the sky of Paris, new alert this Sunday

5/10/2020, 11:18:04 AM

The capital and its small crown were swept Saturday evening by violent thunderstorms, accompanied by a very heavy accumulation of rains. Ile-de

A very powerful thunderstorm hit Paris, Val-d'Oise and the North of Yvelines for several hours on Saturday evening, with heavy accumulations of rain. And it could start again at the end of the day this Sunday.

According to Kéraunos, the observatory of tornadoes and violent thunderstorms, no less than a hundred could be observed for intramural Paris, "essentially on the west of the city with significant water slides".

A hundred lightnings detected in #Paris intramural, mainly on the west of the city with significant water depths. #orage

- Keraunos (@KeraunosObs) May 9, 2020

According to Météo-Paris, these thunderstorms locally caused flooding in western Paris, along a Clamart, Meudon, Vanves, 15th, 8th, 7th, 16th and 17th arrondissements of Paris, Clichy, Aubervilliers, Saint-Denis axes. Images of streets in the capital or the inner ring completely flooded have been widely reported on social networks.

Flood Paris 16th ... and the rain continues to fall

- Cécile (@ cecile433) May 9, 2020

This sky that falls on our heads in Paris..n

- Sophie de Ravinel (@ S2RVNL) May 9, 2020

It's even worse on the outskirts of Paris .. video of a friend in Vanves ... a real waterfall in the street #orage

- Cécile (@ cecile433) May 9, 2020

In 24 hours, the equivalent of several weeks of rain fell: 72 millimeters in Saint-Léger-les-Yvelines (Yvelines), 70 mm in Villacoublay, 63 mm in Longchamp (16th arrondissement of Paris), 41 mm in Le Bourget (Seine-Saint-Denis), 36 mm at Paris-Montsouris (XIVth arrondissement), according to the site.

Ile-de-France firefighters received more than 800 calls in just two hours, but only carried out 65 interventions, mainly for reconnaissance, to observe the damage. They call for the greatest caution for this Sunday, when the Ile-de-France should experience another violent stormy episode.

New orange vigilance from 2 p.m.

From 2 p.m., eighteen departments including Ile-de-France are in fact placed on orange alert for rain-flooding, with thunderstorms sometimes strong and heavy precipitation to be feared according to Météo-France.

In Paris and in the outer suburbs, the weather will become more unstable during the afternoon and evening, with the circulation of frequent thunderstorms that can locally bring hail and many thunderstorm impacts.

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Then during the night, a new very rainy disturbance reaches the region from the southeast. This rainy storm will continue until midday Monday. Improvements are expected on Monday afternoon.