The Limited Times

VIDEO. Stéphane Bourgoin, self-proclaimed expert on serial killers: “I lied. I apologize"

5/10/2020, 9:21:16 PM

Throughout his life, Stéphane Bourgoin has presented himself as the best expert in serial killers, scouring television sets, multiplying

Stéphane Bourgoin, self-proclaimed global specialist in serial killers, author of nearly forty books, regular guest on television sets, presented himself as a victim.

In 1986, he discovered the sordid assassination of his partner. It never existed.

Some of his books are actually plagiarisms from surveys carried out by American profilers. Of the 77 serials-killers questioned of whom he prides himself, only ten really were.

He did not meet Charles Manson, the murderer of Sharon Tate, the pregnant friend of Roman Polanski, murdered. Nor was he a professional footballer for the Red Star.

Stéphane Bourgoin has invented a life for forty years. He recognizes this in an interview he devoted to us on Sunday, May 10. Listen to the interview with Sandrine Briclot.