The Limited Times

"Ask China," Trump to Asian-American reporter

5/11/2020, 11:30:05 PM

Trump ended a press conference in the White House Rose Garden after a heated exchange with CBS reporter Weijia Jiang. "He has said many times that to States ...

Trump ended a press conference in the Rose Garden of the White House after a heated exchange with CBS reporter Weijia Jiang. "He has said many times that the United States is doing much better than any other country when it comes to testing. Why does that matter? Why is it a global competition for you if Americans continue to lose their lives every day and we are seeing more cases every day? "Jiang asked when it was Trump's turn. Trump replied: “Well, they are losing their lives in all parts of the world and maybe that is a question that they should ask China, don't ask me, ask that question to China, okay? When you ask them that question, you may get an unusual answer. ” Trump pointed to another journalist, but Jiang replied, "Sir, why are you saying that to me specifically? What should I ask China? " "I am telling you. I am not telling anyone specifically, I am telling anyone who asks an unpleasant question like that, ”Trump replied. A CNN reporter later tried to ask Trump two questions, but he cut her off and abruptly ended the press conference. Trump immediately left the garden leaving reporters and the officials and military who accompanied him at the press conference.