The Limited Times

Because of the corona regulation: Young mother suffers from trauma at birth with a face mask

5/11/2020, 8:45:17 PM

Because of the corona virus, mouthguards should currently be worn at birth. A young mother from Bavaria now suffered a severe trauma.

Because of the corona virus, mouthguards should currently be worn at birth. A young mother from Bavaria now suffered a severe trauma.

  • Due to the corona virus, mouth protection is currently also mandatory for births.
  • A young mother was now suffering a severe trauma.
  • She became afraid of suffocation during childbirth.

District - The effects of the corona crisis on pregnant women and their families have not yet been researched. But one thing is already certain: the uncertainty is increasing. This is what the staff at the Donum Vitae pregnancy advice center in Haar experience . Women and men from the counties of Munich , Freising, Ebersberg and Erding are looking for help here.

How will childbirth take place under stricter hygiene regulations ? Can the partner be present during the delivery ? Are grandparents allowed to visit mother and child in the maternity ward? A lot is regulated differently from clinic to clinic - and the requirements change weekly.

Corona virus and births: Existing problems are exacerbated

Despite Corona , Donum Vitae's advisors and director Albert Fierlbeck are there for those seeking help. "In the crisis, existing problems such as looking for a flat or unemployment are exacerbated," says Fierlbeck. Nevertheless, to say "yes" to a child is very brave these days. Those seeking help may only come to the advice center at Bahnhofsplatz 4a in Haar in emergencies . But the team wants to continue supporting them and is using digital media more and more.

Mouthguards at birth: difficulty breathing and suffocation

" Being pregnant is no fun at the moment," says Claudia Nasahl in a video conference in which the team of six presents the annual report to the press. The deputy head uses a case study to show how dramatic a birth can be in corona times. A gynecologist had asked her to help a young mother who was suffering from depression and panic attacks . Nasahl tried unsuccessfully to reach the young woman in her early 20s, who was withdrawing completely with her baby . "At some point it was lucky," she said. "Her family was actually looking forward to the child." 

Birth trauma with face mask

But with the birth of mouthguards the mother suffered a trauma. Under severe contractions, the mask made her breathless and suffocated from suffocation . "The mouthguard was removed in between. When she screamed, but then put on again because of the droplets. “The birth came to a standstill, the child was brought up with the suction bell. "After this experience, the client could not breastfeed and never wants to have a child again," says Nasahl. "This experience is an isolated case, but it is becoming clear that the corona crisis changes relationships and bonds." Threat, fear and coercion could have lifelong effects on the mother-child bond, says the trauma therapist .


Personal contact with the clients is important, but the team at the advice center is convinced that talking over a video call or telephone is still better than no advice at all. The press conference will also take place on an internet platform, (from left): Monika Geitner, Stephanie Klein, Albert Fierlbeck, (bottom row) Claudia Nasahl, Ulrike Holtappel and Andrea Seif.

© Charlotte Borst

Birth during Corona times: Different regulations unsettle

Different regulations also contribute to the uncertainty. All maternity hospitals reacted quickly to the corona pandemic and put information on their websites. Most of the time, the fathers - with mouth guards - are allowed to be present during the delivery , but sometimes only from the time when the contractions come regularly and vigorously. As soon as a father shows symptoms like coughing or runny nose, there are problems. “When in doubt, the doctors and midwives decide . There are no guarantees for the process, ”says Claudia Nasahl.


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Births during corona pandemic: mothers feel left alone

In some clinics the fathers are allowed to visit mother and child in the maternity ward , in others they are not allowed, as are siblings and other visits. The pregnant women are also currently not allowed to bring accompanying persons to the preliminary examinations with the gynecologists . After the birth , many mothers feel left alone in the time of Corona: 40 percent of midwives would prefer video conferences to home visits. "But a navel or a dam cannot be assessed on a screen," said Nasahl.

Number of treatments in fertility centers drops sharply

In the fertility centers , the number of treatments has dropped to 40 percent, the team reports. Waiting for a later date is a problem especially for the older couples, who are eagerly awaiting artificial insemination and are concerned that they are running out of time for a child. A patient who Claudia Nasahl wanted to cancel the consultation on site due to the hygiene regulations shouted on the phone: "I don't always want to be alone with my fears, please let me come."

Because of corona virus: There is no social contact for advice

Despite the digital possibilities, social contact would be very lacking in the advice, emphasizes Nasahl. “We are people, we need social contact, it is essential and takes place in the advice center. - That is one of our strengths. "

It is also stressful for new parents that there are no encounters with other mothers and fathers. Post-exercise gymnastics, breastfeeding group, baby swimming, play group - all this is eliminated due to Corona. "Personal contact and exchange is missing," says consultant Stephanie Klein. Especially with the first child, new parents have many questions that need to be discussed.

On Monday (May 11th) there will be some more relaxation of the corona rules in Bavaria. The following measures are changed. The strict corona measures were relaxed in Bavaria, but thousands are not enough. It was demonstrated in several cities. You can always read all information about the corona virus in Bavaria in our news ticker.

For many families it is also important: can we travel with the children on vacation? A small country advertises itself as a vacation country in which the corona pandemic will soon no longer pose a danger. Is a trip safe?

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