The Limited Times

Ceriscioli, Marche ready to reopen 18/5

5/11/2020, 3:51:22 PM

The Marche Region is ready to reopen beauticians and hairdressers, but also bars and restaurants from 18 May and the bathing season from 29 May, based on protocols agreed with the trade associations and with the ANCI and approved today by the regional council. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ANCONA, MAY 11 - The Marche Region is ready to open beauticians and hairdressers, but also bars and restaurants from May 18 and the bathing season from May 29, based on protocols agreed with the trade associations and with ANCI and approved today by the regional council. This was announced by the president of the Region Luca Ceriscioli in a streaming press, flanked by the president of Anci Marche Maurizio Mangialardi and the councilors for Tourism Moreno Pieronie for production activities Manuela Bora. The goal - has underlined Ceriscioli - is "to reopen security conditions as soon as possible, we are keeping these two aspects together".