The Limited Times

Leicester: a statue in memory of Srivaddhanaprabha

5/11/2020, 4:36:57 PM

Club Wants To Remember Former Owner Of Helicopter Accident Victim (ANSA)

Leicester City will erect a statue outside its stadium in memory of its former owner, Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, who died in October 2018 together with four other people in a tragic helicopter accident that occurred in the plant's parking lot. submitted to the Leicester City Council, which published it to allow residents to raise any objections by June 2. The statue will be in bronze and will surmount a pedestal for a total height of almost five meters. After the patron's disappearance, the ownership of the club that made history by winning the Premier League under the guidance of Claudio Ranieri passed into the hands of his son, Aiyawatt Srivaddhanaprabha.