The Limited Times

The Education Bureau issued a resumption lesson to guide students in the group's proposal to install a partition to remind the application of toilet

5/13/2020, 12:51:24 PM

With the alleviation of the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic, all schools in Hong Kong will resume classes in stages starting from May 27. The Education Bureau today (13th) formally issued guidelines for resumption of classes, stipulating that primary and secondary schools should use classroom space to separate students as much as possible, and should avoid group discussion activities. Even under special circumstances, students must maintain a distance of at least one meter and consider installing partitions. board. In addition, the toilet or squat toilet without toilet board is reminded that the school must regularly disinfect or consider replacing the toilet. However, the guidelines for resumption of classes did not mention the arrangements for cross-border students. Zhu Weilin, vice chairman of the New Territories Principals Association and principal of Fengxi No. 1 Primary School, said that he understands that the Hong Kong and Shenzhen governments have not yet reached a consensus on cross-border students, but frankly has doubts about the treatment of cross-border students' discomfort, and hopes that the Education Bureau can later Announce detailed guidelines on care options for cross-border students who are unwell.

Social News

Written by: Hu Jiaxin, Deng Yinglin

2020-05-13 19:19

Last update date: 2020-05-13 20:38

With the alleviation of the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic, all schools in Hong Kong will resume classes in stages starting from May 27. The Education Bureau today (13th) formally issued guidelines for resumption of classes, stipulating that primary and secondary schools should use classroom space to separate students as much as possible, and should avoid group discussion activities. Even under special circumstances, students must maintain a distance of at least one meter and consider installing partitions. board. In addition, the toilet or squat toilet without toilet board is reminded that the school must regularly disinfect or consider replacing the toilet.

However, the guidelines for resumption of classes did not mention the arrangements for cross-border students. Zhu Weilin, vice chairman of the New Territories Principals Association and principal of Fengxi No. 1 Primary School, said that he understands that the Hong Kong and Shenzhen governments have not yet reached a consensus on cross-border students, but frankly has doubts about the treatment of cross-border students' discomfort, and hopes that the Education Bureau can later Announce detailed guidelines on care options for cross-border students who are unwell.

Sui's new pneumonia epidemic has eased, and all schools in Hong Kong will resume classes in stages starting May 27. (Profile picture)

The Education Bureau today (13th) formally issued guidelines for resumption of classes to all primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in Hong Kong, reiterating that in the classrooms of primary and secondary schools, schools should sit in a single row in a "face-to-back" manner, and teachers should teach in a one-way manner. Use classroom space to maintain the distance between students. In addition, the guidelines specifically mention that group discussions should be avoided in the classroom. If seats must be arranged in groups due to special circumstances, students should maintain a minimum distance of one meter, and schools should also consider installing partitions.

For kindergartens, students should try to maintain a distance of at least one meter. If the restrictions on classroom space do not provide the above arrangements, kindergartens should use classroom space as much as possible. If refreshments are provided, individual packaging should be provided.

If you use a squat toilet, it is recommended to install a toilet board to avoid stool

As for toilets with a high transmission risk, the school should ensure that the flushing system operates normally, and users must cover the toilet plates before flushing. If the school toilet does not have a toilet board, such as a squat toilet, it is recommended to reduce the storage in the toilet, maintain air circulation, regularly dilute household bleach with 1:49 for cleaning and disinfection, consider adding a toilet board or replacing the toilet, and students should Avoid using toilet stools without toilet plates.

The guidelines also do not recommend that staff and students use N95 respirator, because the new coronary pneumonia is mainly spread through droplets or contact, wearing a mask can provide protection.

The school principal ’s plan to deal with the discomfort of cross-border students urged the Education Bureau to add later

that it should be stated that teachers and students should go to the medical room for rest if they are not fit; Bring school children for consultation, but there is no mention of discomfort arrangements for cross-border students.

After reading the guidelines, Zhu Weilin, vice chairman of the New Territories Principals Association and principal of Fengxi No. 1 Primary School, said that although the two places have not yet reached a consensus on cross-border students, the school has doubts about the handling of cross-border students. I hope that the Education Bureau will later The arrangements for the resumption of cross-border students' classes can be announced to supplement the treatment plan for cross-border students who are uncomfortable for reference. He explained that many cross-border students do not have relatives and friends in Hong Kong. Under the prevention and quarantine measures of the two places, it is difficult for parents of cross-border students to go to Hong Kong to "take over" as usual to take care of sick students. What can we do if we cannot pass the border and cannot leave Hong Kong? What should we do with the follow-up aftermath and follow-up? We have doubts and feel difficult. "

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Secondary School Primary Education Kindergarten Education New Coronary Pneumonia Re-education Bureau Cross-border Students

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