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5/13/2020, 9:21:35 PM

The bulls try not to depend on anyone • Virgo: Concessions on certain principles will breakthrough • Forecast for 14.5 | horoscope

The bulls try not to depend on anyone • Virgo: Concessions on certain principles will breakthrough • Full 14.5 forecast

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You spend most of your day with friends. Your mood is not very suitable for the fast pace and the external 'noise'. The truth is, you would rather be alone. Tip: Keep calm and calm. These days, more than you need love - you need a true friend!


Although you try not to be dependent on anyone and feel in control of what is happening, your vigorous resistance today seems to be weakening, which actually results in quite good results on a personal level. In the evening, collaboration will bring you to a particularly desirable situation, where you feel stability and support. 


You finally feel that the natural flow and harmony are coming back to your life. In the patience and softness that lands on you, as if out of nowhere, you come to far-reaching conclusions. It is important that you take long-term thought and do not rush to sever ties.


Communication is excellent and there is a situation for the beginning of a romantic relationship with a person you will know through close friends. Do not rush to commit if you are unsure. In general, get rid of your aspirations for total personal relationships. In your career you have a number of options and you should enjoy the choice as much as possible.


From morning, you are nervous and make others around you feel guilty about it. Your concerns and concerns are at odds with your desire to determine what is best to do, even when the matter is not directly about you. Even if you're 'right', it just doesn't work ... Try a more conciliatory approach.


The energies of the fire element succeed in scoring a crack in the drought wall of your rigidity. Giving up certain principles will lead to a breakthrough in the personal field. Your behavior will have far-reaching consequences, so you should avoid unprocessed reactions coming from your stomach.


Although you are surrounded by people of your choice, this does not seem to be what you need right now. You feel disorganized, which pretty much spoils the atmosphere at home. At the same time you find a common language with a person you didn't really like. A common problem seems to be getting closer.


Cosmic Phenomenon inspires you to actions that you previously disapproved of. It's time to set new rules of the game especially on a personal level. In order to purify the atmosphere and generate appropriate momentum for communication, it is best to devote the evening hours to family and home. 


A full dose of attention will shift the weight from old controversy to positive directions. Although the timing may not seem right to you, adopt a gentle and gentle attitude toward your spouse. You are going to reject a proposal that just a week ago you would have accepted. Conditions and circumstances appear to have changed.


The sky is now stirring up the planet Saturn your astrological ruler: Do not scatter too many areas, even though you have such an expectation. You're trying too hard, and it just doesn't work. Your desire to be busy is mostly positive but you should maintain a healthy balance.


The star of Uranus today is influenced by creative energy flowing to it. A close friend burdens you with personal stories that do not currently have a solution. Although you are very tempted to help and at all costs, it seems that the best step in the direction will be to let go a little.


An unusual cosmic event is approaching the Pisces cut. The phenomenon puts you in a state of stress. Someone is asking you for definite and accurate answers and the thing is annoying you. The truth is that it takes you a long time to move from your positions - but on the other hand, as long as you are comfortable, there is no reason to be stressed.

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