The Limited Times

An obstetrician was infected with coronavirus and 50 pregnant women were quarantined.

5/14/2020, 1:56:01 PM

It happened at the Pueyrredón Clinic and is one of the two professionals who became infected in that institution.

05/14/2020 - 10:33

  • Clarí
  • Society

The positive case of coronavirus from an obstetrician doctor alerted the Pueyrredón Clinic, in Mar del Plata, and a good part of that city. The professional was working for the last time and, according to the authorities, he treated more than 50 pregnant women during that time. That is why, from the institution they had to move and summoned all those future mothers to notify them of the situation. They should now be placed in mandatory isolation, at least, until the results of the swabs to which they were subjected are known.  

The doctor, identified as Guillermo Cayrol , 62, underwent a test by Covid-19 last week and on Monday it was confirmed that he was infected with the virus that has the world in suspense. For this reason, the clinic had to contact the patients who saw it in the 15 days prior to confirmation of the infection.

Cayrol has been in strict isolation at his home in the Country Costa del Sol, Balneario Parque Mar Chiquita, since last week it was detected as a suspicious case. He is currently in good health , without symptoms and with "strict medical monitoring and police notification."

The doctor gave an interview to the site Ahora Mar del Plata , and said he did not know how it was infected, although he has an indication: "I am a little surprised at how all this happened. A case emerged from a health worker at the Children's Clinic that he had a contact with an instrumentalist who had been working that week in operating rooms at the Pueyrredón clinic. "

"I suspected with a certain cold. Nothing in particular. I contacted Dr. Miglioranza, an excellent professional from the clinic, who advised me to carry out the study and do it the next day. I did the swab, I went back to my address and I waited for the result in quarantine, thinking that they were going to give me good news and that I was going to go to work the next day. But it was positive and I was surprised, "he added.

Lastly, he made a strong claim: "This lap touched me, but we know that all health professionals are highly exposed ."

After confirming the obstetrician's positive, the institution swabbed the rest of the clinic's medical staff and the results showed that one of the 38 studied also became infected with the virus. For this reason, the patients of said professional were also contacted, whose identity was not revealed, following a strict protocol.

The Pueyrredon Clinic, for its part, specified in a statement: “Since the declaration of the pandemic, we have taken all precautionary measures, using protective elements for patient care and the safety of our personnel, as the manuals indicate, in order to be able to maintain the necessary medical attention, both in outpatient clinics, hospitalizations, on-call, laboratory, diagnostic imaging, etc ”.

Despite the coronavirus pandemic, the institution continued its usual labor, attended emergencies for pregnant women, and caesarean sections were scheduled , Cayrol said. Always, according to him, following a strict control of the protocol.

As confirmed by Mayor Guillermo Montenegro on Wednesday , Mar del Plata currently has 9 active cases of coronavirus, although none of them require hospitalization. They are all in their homes, isolated and in good health.

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