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Corona crisis: opening of the gym causes controversy in this state

5/14/2020, 12:41:13 PM

The debate about the reopening of a fitness studio in northern Germany is currently receiving nationwide attention.

The debate about the reopening of a fitness studio in northern Germany is currently receiving nationwide attention.

  • A fitness studio has reopened in Lower Saxony.
  • However, the country wants to contest the corresponding court order.
  • The situation is different for amateur athletes in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Corona crisis: dispute over reopening of gym

The dispute over the reopening of a fitness studio in Lower Saxony is currently receiving nationwide attention. A Bad Iburger gym opened again on Tuesday (May 13) after a court decision, reports So far, it is the only one in Lower Saxony, because the coronavirus pandemic * caused the studios to stop operating.

The operator made an urgent request at the end of April, and on Monday (May 11) the court ruled that the studio may temporarily reopen, explains the background. The prerequisite is "compliance with the strict hygiene, distance and maximum occupancy concept there".

There is no factual reason why visits to the hairdresser * and restaurants are allowed again, but attending a fitness studio is not, according to the court, according to "The chamber was also unable to identify any specific increased risk of infection from the operation of fitness studios with such a hygiene concept ," the report said - especially since operations in neighboring North Rhine-Westphalia are generally permitted. The judges had declared the corona edition invalid and allowed the studio in Bad Iburg to reopen.

Read here : Hygiene and infection protection at work: New rules in corona crisis

Corona crisis: Fitness studios in NRW reopened under strict conditions

However, the dispute could continue. The NRD report of May 13 states that the state of Lower Saxony wants to contest the judgment of the Osnabrück administrative court in favor of the fitness studio. The Ministry of Social Affairs announced that.

The deputy head of the Lower Saxony crisis team, Claudia Schröder, said in an interview at NDR 1 Niedersachsen that the risk of corona infection * is particularly high when doing sports in closed rooms. In addition, uniform rules should apply to all gyms. The country therefore hopes that the individual judgment will be withdrawn in the second instance.

Unlike in Lower Saxony , for example, fitness studios in North Rhine-Westphalia have been reopening since May 11th . However, strict requirements apply . In other federal states, such as Bavaria , amateur athletes still have to be patient. There the gyms remain closed for the time being.

Find out more here: Requirements for gyms - in which federal states you will soon be able to train again


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* is part of the nationwide Ippen editorial network.