The Limited Times

VIDEO. Restaurateurs: "We're still alive!"

5/14/2020, 12:46:55 PM

After two months of closure, restaurants still cannot accommodate customers. So to relaunch the activity, the bosses

"I open to show that we are still there, that we are alive and that we can sell our takeout cuisine" explains Laurent, the owner of Coin Pop, rue Ternaux (Paris XI). The restaurateur waits for the barge in the window. "Want to taste my tub of cold veal with tuna sauce?" It's fresh and homemade! "

Like him, many of his colleagues are rushing into the breach of delivery and take-out sales to relaunch their activity. A good idea for the morale and the finances of the restaurants, while waiting for the reopening of the rooms.

This is the case of Olive Davoux, chef of the restaurant at Mer. She imagined during the confinement of fish dishes to take away. Good news for his seafood supplier. Jean-Paul Guernier comes to deliver his oysters to him every Friday from Cotentin. The merchant makes the road to Paris at night, happy to find outlets for his goods.

Creativity riot

Japanese chef Shô Miyashita has designed a take-away ramen kit. The opening of his own restaurant having been delayed, he agreed with the owner of the wine cellar, La chambre noire, to sell his pasta from this shop. He courageously awaits customers in the window and also communicates a lot on Instagram.

A little extra for morale and finances

In the opinion of all, these sales serve to cover the costs and allow to reconnect with customers, while waiting for better days. "We have to reinvent ourselves, we have no choice," concludes Virginie Gonçalves, owner of the Portuguese grocery store-restaurant DonAntonia.

Good news, customers remain loyal and the formula is successful, because Parisians are a little tired of cooking.