The Limited Times

IPCC report | Summary: Demonstration activities have deteriorated and early buds of terrorism

5/15/2020, 11:04:56 PM

The Superintendent of Police announced yesterday (15th) the review report of the anti-revision routine demonstration conflict since June last year, revealing the police's deployment errors, disregarding intelligence, and lacking the ability to respond to publicity. In the conclusion, the association also criticized the demonstrators' behaviors, describing it as "the greatest public safety challenge in the contemporary era". The demonstrations have deteriorated in the past ten months, the level of violence has escalated and early terrorism has sprouted. Cause long-term damage. The report pointed out that police officers faced personal or even fatal dangers from time to time, which led to 12 incidents of live ammunition. The police officers finally fired 19 live ammunition, and all three people who were shot were discharged.

Social News

Written by: Ni Qingjiang

2020-05-16 07:00

Last update date: 2020-05-16 07:00

The Superintendent of Police announced yesterday (15th) the review report of the anti-revision routine demonstration conflict since June last year, revealing the police's deployment errors, disregarding intelligence, and lacking the ability to respond to publicity. In the conclusion, the association also criticized the demonstrators' behaviors, describing it as "the greatest public safety challenge in the contemporary era". The demonstrations have deteriorated in the past ten months, the level of violence has escalated and early terrorism has sprouted. Cause long-term damage.

The report pointed out that police officers faced personal or even fatal dangers from time to time, which led to 12 incidents of live ammunition. The police officers finally fired 19 live ammunition, and all three people who were shot were discharged.

↓↓ Destruction of demonstrations on National Day on October 1 last year ↓↓




Refers to "actions taken by the police stem from law enforcement needs"

The "Conclusion" at the end of the report by the Superintendent's Committee cited the judgement issued by the Court of Appeal on the Judicial Review of the "Masking Ban Regulation" on April 9 this year, referring to social unrest since June last year. "This is a critical situation that has not occurred in the past 50 years." Since October last year, violence and vandalism have not subsided, but have intensified; since the outbreak of the coronavirus disease in Hong Kong in December, demonstrators have ignored the government ’s advice to stay at home to fight the epidemic, and have conducted small-scale demonstrations almost every month. Commemorate the events in Yuen Long, Prince Edward Station and Tseung Kwan O.

For the police to deal with demonstrators, the report stated that "the actions taken by the police in the Yuen Long and other incidents stemmed from the need for law enforcement", but "there were subsequent hate speeches on the Internet, all of which evolved into a blatant lack of or no factual basis. Propaganda, to discredit the police force and prevent police officers from performing their duties to maintain law and order. "

According to the report, from a macro perspective, the continuous display of public activities leads to the following characteristics:

The frequency of violent demonstrations increased after the march;

The escalation of violence and the budding of early terrorism;

Extensively destroy and destroy public and private property and cause long-term damage to the economy;

The "private" behavior resulted in the death of a man and the beating of several citizens because of different opinions.

↓↓ The destruction of many universities in November last year ↓↓




Refers to two universities becoming gasoline bomb factories

The report pointed out that the demonstrators used the urban guerrilla strategy referred to as "flowing water tactics" to conduct demonstrations at MTR stations and many locations in the nearby city. The MTR station is regarded as an excellent place to delay police operations, allowing demonstrators to have time to change inconspicuous clothing, avoiding the police ’s attention and even arresting; The personnel were exhausted.

The report described "the disregard of law and order in the demonstrations, as well as the level of violence and wanton destruction, which have not been seen in Hong Kong since the 1967 riots." The street was set on fire, and gasoline bombs were used in almost every demonstration since the beginning of August. The two universities occupied in November became factories for the manufacture of gasoline bombs for use in clashes with police outside the school.

On November 11, last year, the shooting incident of police officers in the Xiwan River aroused public discussion.

Explain that the police officer fired live ammunition because of "ordering"

The report pointed out that in the past few months, the police have discovered the materials used to make the bombs and the tools used for remote detonation. They also seized firearms and live ammunition and arrested the persons involved. "If these weapons are used, the consequences will be unimaginable. The Commissioner of Police has warned that Hong Kong may enter the era of terrorism."

The Commission said in the report that in the face of these illegal and fatal acts, the police must enforce the law and protect its personnel and citizens from harm. Generally, only low-lethal weapons are used. Only in 12 incidents, police officers finally used their The gun fired 19 rounds of live ammunition. "Police officers are" ordering "during the operation, and there is a risk of being fatally attacked or being risk of being snatched." All three people with gunshot wounds have been discharged; more than 590 police officers were injured, and 61 of them were admitted to hospital.

Conflicts continued at PolyU, and demonstrators bowed out of the street. (the Internet)

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"Violent trauma is branded in young people's hearts"

In its observation and summary, the IPCC stated that “demonstration activities have deteriorated in the past 10 months”, which has evolved from the initial peaceful marches and public gatherings to radical street violence demonstrations, resulting in damage to public and personal property, disruption of transportation networks, Severe injuries to dissidents and dissidents, including one fatal case; recently seized rifles, pistols and ammunition, and materials used to make bombs, "seems to imply that Hong Kong society is being pulled into an era of terrorism" The duty of the police force is to maintain social peace and maintain law and order. When faced with violence while on duty, the police sometimes must use force to deal with it.

The association pointed out that the demonstrations accompanied by violence have pushed Hong Kong's economy into danger. The coronavirus epidemic in 2019 has further worsened the economy. "The image of the police force has lost its glory, and Hong Kong has also lost a hard-earned reputation. Safe city. What is more distressing is the trauma caused by violence, especially in the hearts of young people. "

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