The Limited Times

Nicaraguan government denies night burials and more

5/15/2020, 11:38:02 PM

Until now, the government of President Daniel Ortega maintains that the pandemic does not seriously affect the country, in fact no restrictive measures have been imposed, but what some are seeing is ll…

So far, the government of President Daniel Ortega maintains that the pandemic does not seriously affect the country, in fact no restrictive measures have been imposed, but what some are calling express burials are being seen. Families of those who died of complications apparently associated with the covid-19, have to bury their loved ones at night, do so, health ministry officials dressed in personal protective equipment and guarded by police and in just three hours. The country's vice president says that the images of the burials were not recorded in Nicaragua. It is the opening of this #RondaGlobalVirus by Miguel Ángel Antoñanzas that also leads us to the total quarantine declared in Santiago de Chile, to the problems of finding tobacco in Buenos Aires and to a viral phenomenon that arose in the confinement of three musicians on a terrace in Barcelona .