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Tense and enjoy: Adi Ashkenazi returns to screen | Israel today

5/17/2020, 2:35:20 PM

The "We'll See You" tense program is being upgraded to the bow, with Nosbaum guiding alongside Ashkenazi. • What is the format and what will be the value of the prize? | TV

The "We'll See You" tense program is being upgraded to the bow, with Nosbaum guiding alongside Ashkenazi. • What is the format and what will be the value of the prize?

  • Stretch us. Adi Ashkenazi


    Natasha Zrikar

Adi Ashkenazi and Avi Nussbaum will lead the 2020 version of the original tense show "We'll See You", which will be broadcast on Keshet Channel 12 and produced by Herzliya Studios, Israel Today has learned.

Request 12 is currently working on producing a new and updated season for the original format, centering on a tension between a pair of acquaintances, with one stretching the other and triggered by program directors through a headset. If the winder meets the task without being exposed, the two acquaintances will receive a prize worth thousands of shekels.

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The first two seasons of the program, created by Yigal Shilon, were broadcast on the application between 2010 and 2015 hosted by Shai Goldstein and Avi Nussbaum.

The format has been sold for production and has been broadcast in dozens of countries around the world, including the USA, Turkey, Italy and Brazil.