The Limited Times

Coronavirus: Catholic schools, this restart is only hypocrisy

5/18/2020, 2:38:10 PM

CEI, just unequal treatment for equality (ANSA)"This type of 'Restart' has all the flavor of an unacceptable and unspeakable hypocrisy". This was stated by Father Francesco Ciccimarra, National President of Agidae, Association of institute managers dependent on the ecclesiastical authority. "The current government seems to have decided to stop a process of integration, creating conditions that favor its suffocation," he adds. The world of pee...

"This type of 'Restart' has all the flavor of an unacceptable and unspeakable hypocrisy". This was stated by Father Francesco Ciccimarra, National President of Agidae, Association of institute managers dependent on the ecclesiastical authority. "The current government seems to have decided to stop a process of integration, creating conditions that favor its suffocation," he adds.

The world of peer schools aggregates over 13 thousand educational institutions, about 200 thousand workers, teachers and non-teachers, over 800 thousand pupils, of which about 14 thousand with disabilities of various kinds. "The experience of the lockdown - says Father Ciccimarra - has created situations of great difficulty: for families, many of whom are no longer able to pay school fees, for employers to whom the period has been reduced by four months for the protection of social safety nets; for workers who, due to bureaucratic problems, are unable to receive the wage supplementation from the INPS Fund or from the Cassa Integrazione in derogazione. If all this is added to the traditional delays in the provision of ministerial contributions due to schools equal, the picture becomes dramatic. " The National President Agidae points out that the DL Ripartenza "has not provided for any kind of support to this" world ": no form of tax deductibility / deductibility of fees paid by families, no economic intervention for the disability of pupils, no resources for online teaching ". Hence the accusation of 'hypocrisy'. For Agidae the issue to be resolved is that of full recognition of the legal and economic equality between state and non-state schools.

CEI, just unequal treatment for equality
"As President of the CEI we strongly request that we do not continue to make inequalities of treatment, recognizing the value constituted by the network of equals". The Presidency of the Italian Episcopal Conference returns to relaunch the "strong concern" expressed in recent weeks by parents, pupils and teachers of peer schools, in the face of an economic situation that is endangering its survival.