The Limited Times

Famous moms who only have one child: Adamari López, Marjorie de Sousa and more

5/18/2020, 7:26:21 PM

These celebs decided to have only one child, or for now, their little ones are only children to whom they give their full attention and love.

Some celebrities like Adamari López , Marjorie de Sousa , and more, are mothers of only one child. In some cases, these celebrities decided so, and in others, for now, they prefer not having smaller ones in their plans. 

For these moms the time, love and dedication are total only for their little offspring, who are only children and with whom they have formed a small family next to their partners or single women.

Discover in the video how famous one's mommy is.

Photo: Mezcalent


Exemplary famous stepmoms: Jennifer Lopez, Thalía and more

ON VIDEO: JLo and other celebrities who are successful moms and businesswomen