The Limited Times

Success in experimenting on human vaccine for Corona | Israel today

5/18/2020, 7:08:10 PM

| healthUS Modernity Company Announces that Human Vaccine Experiments Revealed to Develop Antiviral Antibiotic Vaccine The first vaccine against the corona virus that has reached the clinical trial stage in humans has so far been proven to be safe and beneficial - a statement from the company developing the US vaccine, "Moderna," was released last night.  Photo: Gil Kramer The "Moderna" says the expe...

US Modernity Company Announces that Human Vaccine Experiments Revealed to Develop Antiviral Antibiotic Vaccine

The first vaccine against the corona virus that has reached the clinical trial stage in humans has so far been proven to be safe and beneficial - a statement from the company developing the US vaccine, "Moderna," was released last night. 

Photo: Gil Kramer

The "Moderna" says the experiment has so far been performed on eight people, who received two doses of the vaccine starting in March. According to Moderna, the vaccine seems to be able to trigger the immune system's response to the virus. The subjects who participated in the experiment, healthy individuals, produced the virus antibody vaccine, which was subsequently tested in human cells under laboratory conditions, and successfully stopped the virus culture - which is considered a key criterion for successful vaccination. The level of antibodies in people who participated in the experiment was either greater or equal to the level of antibodies in the blood of people who were in Corona and recovered. 

At Moderna, whose medical director is Israeli physician Tal Sachs, they said they continue to develop the vaccine in an expedited schedule. The company is now planning to enter the second phase of the clinical trial, which will involve about 600 people, after having already received approval from the US FDA. The third phase, which will involve thousands of experimenters, is scheduled to begin in July. 

Dr. Sachs told the New York Times in an interview that if the experiments were successful, the vaccine might be ready by the end of the current year, or at the latest until early 2021. When asked how many doses would be ready, Sachs said it was still unclear, but promised: " We will do everything we can to make as many millions as possible. 

The company said that further experiments in mice found that the vaccine might prevent the virus from spreading to health. As part of the experiments, three different doses of the vaccine were tested: small dose, medium dose and large dose. The first results are based on the small and medium doses, with the only side effect discovered in one of the experimental participants was redness and mild pain at the injection site. Three participants who received the largest dose developed side effects of fever, headaches and muscle pain - although these symptoms disappeared a day later. However, in modern times they decided not to continue the experiment with the large portions, as the small and medium ones proved to be effective enough. "The smaller the dose needed - the more vaccines we can produce," Sachs explained.