The Limited Times

Tv: Conte speaks, families gathered in front of the small screen

5/18/2020, 4:02:04 PM

Almost 15 million spectators with the 57. (ANSA)(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 18 - Almost 15 million viewers with 57.7% share: the communication of Prime Minister Conte on Saturday 16 May on the 'reopening' of Italy after the lockdown confirms one of the most followed events by the TV public together a 'collective' event that brings families together in front of the screen.     In particular - according to the Auditel elaborations of StudioFrasi - there w...

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 18 - Almost 15 million viewers with 57.7% share: the communication of Prime Minister Conte on Saturday 16 May on the 'reopening' of Italy after the lockdown confirms one of the most followed events by the TV public together a 'collective' event that brings families together in front of the screen.
    In particular - according to the Auditel elaborations of StudioFrasi - there were 14.8 million viewers who followed it on the three generalist networks and on the three all news channels that broadcast it live. 49% (7.3 million) tuned to Rai1, 33% to Canale 5. When the questions of the journalists started at 20.38, Rai1 and Canale 5, and after a few minutes La7, continued with the normal programming. Two million 900 thousand people, however, continued to follow the press conference by moving to the canaliall news: from Rai1 they mainly moved to Rainews24, from Canale 5 to Rete 4 and Tgcom24 but also to SkyTg24.
    The premier's communications bring the families together in front of the screen: 91% of the boys between 18 and 24 years old listened to Conte with an older person. 46% followed the event in the kitchen, 40% from the living room. The event, according to the measure by Studio Frasi, reached a social rate of 90%: the ratio between the Italian population and the viewers produced is very high (in particular on Rai1).
    "The premier's communications on the emergency situation and on how to deal with it lead to an increase in co-vision within families: listening - comments Francesco Siliato, director of the Osservatorio dello Studio Frasi - does not happen separately, girls and boys follow and comment with adults These communications therefore take on the profile of collective events. The ratings and the value of the social accession index show a country attentive to institutional decisions and, albeit to a lesser extent, to clarifications requested by journalists and journalists ". (HANDLE).