The Limited Times

VIDEO. Schoolchildren return after two months at home

5/18/2020, 5:55:58 PM

In the authorized areas, middle school students were able to find their way back to school for a very supervised return to school.

The bell rings again in the playground of the Val-de-Voise college in Gallardon (28). This Monday, 90 college students made their return to their school after more than two months of distance education.

If a student like Olivia, in sixth grade, is “happy” to come back to class, the schoolgirl finds that social distancing makes the situation “bizarre”. A measure, according to Louison, also in sixth, which prevents "having confidential discussions".

As for the teachers of the establishment, Ms. Couvreux "will try to do the best" to make the students work. And the English teacher to make this reminder: "School is essential".