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Recovery in the Corona crisis: Söder wants vacation vouchers for Bavaria's citizens

5/19/2020, 6:47:22 PM

Is summer vacation in Europe possible due to the Corona crisis? Markus Söder contradicts Heiko Maas and brings financial support for citizens into play.

Is summer vacation in Europe possible due to the Corona crisis? Markus Söder contradicts Heiko Maas and brings financial support for citizens into play.

  • On Monday (May 18) there will be further easing of the Corona * measures in Bavaria.
  • What about summer vacation in Europe? Markus Söder contradicts Foreign Minister Heiko Maas.
  • Söder also advocates promoting vacation in Germany.
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the corona virus and the corona news from Bavaria. We also offer you the current number of cases in Bavaria on a map. The following recommendations for corona protective measures are currently available.

Since Monday (May 18) there have been further easing of the corona measures in Bavaria . Beer gardens and outdoor dining are allowed to open again, followed by a week later (May 25). There are also reliefs at the borders . There are still official controls on the border with Austria until mid-June, but since the weekend (May 16), these should only be carried out on a random basis.

Corona virus in Bavaria: summer vacation in Europe? Söder advocates promotion of vacation in Germany

How it looks with summer vacation this year is still unclear. The CSU has now explained an idea. The party of Prime Minister Markus Söder proposes a financial support from holiday in Germany this year. With financial incentives in the summer months, one could “bring some relief for the industry, but also joy for the people,” said CSU boss Markus Söder on Monday before a video session of the CSU board in Munich. 

Vacation vouchers or tax deductibility are conceivable, for example - it is relatively open, as Söder said. He advocated funding "especially for those who don't have that much money and can't afford it". And many people could not afford much.

Corona virus in Bavaria: summer vacation in Europe? Söder disagrees with Heiko Maas

CSU chief Söder , however, was skeptical about vacation options in neighboring European countries - he clearly differentiated himself from Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) . Söder described himself as reserved: "I do not think like Heiko Maas that it is so easy that we can already make plans today that we will be back in Italy or Spain or France in a month," said Söder. “None of these countries has announced this at the moment. In this respect, we should not rush forward. ”One continues to move on very thin ice.

Maas wanted to advise his colleagues from popular German holiday destinations on Monday afternoon. It should be about how the travel restrictions can be relaxed gradually. Spain, Italy, Austria, Greece, Croatia, Portugal, Malta, Slovenia, Cyprus and Bulgaria are invited to the video conference.

The corona plan for Bavaria sees some relaxation of the corona rules. The following measures will change from Monday (May 18) - an overview.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

came / dpa

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