The Limited Times

Sanctions on a Chinese company that helped Iran | Israel today

5/19/2020, 5:25:59 PM

US Announces Shanghai St Logistics Company Serves as Iranian Mahan Air Agency in Shanghai | United StatesUS announced that Shanghai St. Logistics Company serves as agency of Iranian Mahan Air in Shanghai • In addition, the company assists Venezuelan President of his generation The US Treasury announced Tuesday that it will impose sanctions on a Chinese company operating as Iranian airline agent Mahan Air accused of weapons and weapons transfers for terrorist organizations funded by the Iranian regim...

US announced that Shanghai St. Logistics Company serves as agency of Iranian Mahan Air in Shanghai • In addition, the company assists Venezuelan President of his generation

The US Treasury announced Tuesday that it will impose sanctions on a Chinese company operating as Iranian airline agent Mahan Air accused of weapons and weapons transfers for terrorist organizations funded by the Iranian regime.

Trump: "If China is responsible for this it will have consequences" // Photo: Reuters

According to a report by Bloomberg News Agency, Shanghai St. Logistics Company serves as the agency of Mahan Air in Shanghai, providing management services to the Iranian company. In addition, Han Air operates charter flights between Iran and Venezuela.

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In addition, according to the US Treasury, the Chinese company is assisting Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's regime in supplying Iranian technicians and equipment to its oil industry and, in return, is being paid gold bullion.

A statement from the U.S. Treasury said "this is an illegitimate aid to Maduro's regime's efforts to restore its energy production capabilities."

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