The Limited Times

Terrorism, Covid ... plunged into the secret of the Defense Council

5/19/2020, 6:56:10 PM

INVESTIGATION - Since the beginning of the health crisis, Emmanuel Macron has already assembled this confidential body 14 times where he takes his most serious decisions.

At 70 meters underground, the power changes its face. It is draped in gravity. He cultivates reason and state secrecy. This metamorphosis takes place every Wednesday morning, on the occasion of the Defense and National Security Council. At the start of the crisis, it took place in the Élysée bunker. Since mid-March, faced with the deteriorating health situation, the meeting has risen to the surface, in the Murat lounge. The physical distance is easier there but the regulars prefer the confidential atmosphere of the bunker. This remains despite everything the holy of holies of the sovereign power.

Read also: LCP goes behind the scenes of the Council of Ministers

Those who go there regularly are high-profile figures, public or unknown. They take shabby stairs that plunge into the bowels of the Élysée. The descent is via the “Madame wing” of the Palace. The one that houses the offices usually reserved for employees of the wife of the Head of State. The one that houses, on the upper floors, the private apartment of the president of the

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