The Limited Times

Towards the New World by singing

5/19/2020, 7:29:10 PM

STORY OF THE DAY - Four hundred years after the departure of the "Mayflower" for America, the music played on board is brought back to life thanks to a disc.

A simple song ... This is how the Virginia Company promoted, in 1612, its London lottery, freshly authorized by King James I. It was a question of raising funds to finance the crossing of the Atlantic of hundreds of British colonists, supposed to shape the New World in the image of this dear "old Lady" that was England. The cause was national. The melody, borrowed from the famous dance tune Lusty Gallant , a big hit from the Elizabethan era, already on everyone's lips.

Also read: "Classic moments" N ° 10: "Spem in alium ..."

All that remained was to add a few tearful words to him: "Come on, knights and noble gentlemen, put your whole heart into it, do not let your voluntary minds bend down: luck will smile on you." You, engaged to the modest dowry, take a ticket with a firm hand. Heaven can send you good fortune. You, widows, and wives, with a small gesture, do your patriotic duty. For we must not live for ourselves, but for the good of the nations ... " The first

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