The Limited Times

[Observatory] Today there are showers and squally thunderstorms

5/20/2020, 11:20:00 PM

At 7 am, the observatory recorded a temperature of 26.3 ° C and a relative humidity of 94%. Today's highest UV index is about 3, the intensity is medium.

the weather

Written by: Liu Ding'an

2020-05-21 07:11

Last update date: 2020-05-21 07:11

At 7 am, the observatory recorded a temperature of 26.3 ° C and a relative humidity of 94%.

Today's highest UV index is about 3, the intensity is medium.

Weather forecast in Hong Kong (Thursday, May 21): Cloudy, with showers and squally thunderstorms. The morning and evening rains are sometimes heavy. The temperature ranges from 25 to 29 degrees. Blowing fresh east winds, blowing strong offshore winds, and gradually turning fresh southwest winds.

The Observatory's outlook: Heavy showers and squally thunderstorms early Friday. Showers decreased during the weekend, but the weather remained unstable early next week.

The Thunderstorm Warning issued by the Observatory at 10:40 pm on May 20 was extended to 7:00 am on the 21st. It is expected that there will be a thunderstorm in Hong Kong.

Strong wind gusts of up to 70 kilometers per hour or more are expected to hit Hong Kong.

(Photo by Huang Weimin)

Weather forecast

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