The Limited Times

2020 is here to light us warning lights Israel today

5/20/2020, 7:59:05 PM

| around theThe heat wave is many sexual signs in nature, and we urge to see • Global warming around the corner, and if we do not change now - not only will our children suffer from it • Opinion In recent days, "Israel has been in heat wave". Using these words pretty much puts us off responsibility for everything that happens here. Yes, that's how global warming feels, we're totally the ones responsible for ...

The heat wave is many sexual signs in nature, and we urge to see • Global warming around the corner, and if we do not change now - not only will our children suffer from it • Opinion

In recent days, "Israel has been in heat wave". Using these words pretty much puts us off responsibility for everything that happens here. Yes, that's how global warming feels, we're totally the ones responsible for it, and as long as we don't change our habits any time soon, it's completely here to stay. 2020 has arrived, and with it a serious wake-up call for the future.

When the wave of the corona that changed our lives for two months or more radically changed us, we told ourselves we would change. We realized that we had become addicted to the culture of excessive consumption, that we thought that everything deserved, at any time, every moment, instant gratification at the expense of nature. We told ourselves it was time for us to be better in this world, because the Corona "taught us" that in a moment everything can change, that the nature we are constantly abusing can be reversed on us in an instant.

But .. how much did we really learn? As more and more easing of the limitations that have accompanied us in recent times, the more we seem to forget, and not look back. With the need to discharge every burden, with every relief, we forget something else we promised. 

And that is exactly what is so misleading about global warming issues, including environmental issues: We do not immediately see the results, in our view of the disaster, far from the eye, far from the heart, as if it did not concern us at all. "We are not related to it .." So it is easy for us to call it a heat wave, rather than pointing to that wave's direct connection to our behavior. And yes, what is too much for our needs? Which must always be in first place. The needs of the world? It's already at the bottom of the list.

And even after a dramatic event happens, we are undermined, assured that we will change. Then, he passes, and we go back to Sorano. It is amazing that even in the past week, when the largest and wasteful government was established in Israeli history, with a record number of ministers and veterans, the environmental file has now been marginalized, and for years no dramatic step has been taken in Israel, lagging behind the OECD countries compared to other offices, There's so much to do here. There is a lot to change. 

So where's the problem? In the modern age, we simply fail to understand the close connection we have with nature. Our lives are less natural, we live in homes, cars, offices, seemingly protected from all the beating of the world. Nature is so far away from us. We do not know him, do not feel him, are not attentive to his needs.

Even when it doesn't look like that, our connection to us is inseparable, even in the industrial age, we are an integral part of it, it is influenced by us, and we are directly influenced by the way we hurt it. time after time. We are just cut off. Just last weekend, with the massive return to the beach in the wake of the extreme heat wave, we came across horrible pictures from the Bat Yam beach, documenting the dirt and grime left by those staying at the beach. Plastic bottles, wrappers and scraps took over the beach on the first occasion after the Corona closed. 

This is how we seek to enjoy nature while spitting out a well from which we drink. To fight global warming we need to take much more significant steps, to change our lifestyles. Consume less, fly less, change our diet, travel less in private cars and more. And even the simple task of not throwing trash on the beach is not a success. Interesting how many more disasters should come until we learn .. if any.