The Limited Times

Archbishop Lebrun: "Now is the time to resume worship!"

5/20/2020, 6:37:59 PM

INTERVIEW - This bishop, who has been among the most active in this fight, explains why he wishes not to wait for Pentecost.

After the decision of the Council of State to reopen cults, Mgr Dominique Lebrun, Archbishop of Rouen, asked this Tuesday, in a letter to the Minister of the Interior, Christophe Castaner, to immediately implement this measure.

LE FIGARO. - Why are you asking, by open letter to the Minister of the Interior, to allow the resumption of worship now when the Council of State has just ordered him to do so within eight days?

Mgr Dominique LEBRUN. - I wanted to ask the Minister of Religious Affairs to act quickly because the Council of State has stipulated a deadline of eight days maximum. Above all, I wanted to tell him, or reiterate to him - which perhaps was not entirely understood - that it is important to us that freedom of worship be respected as soon as possible. And the possible, from my point of view, is now! I am ready to hear from him the need for a technical deadline, but before eight days. Especially since the dialogue has already taken place on how we can

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