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Border opening despite corona virus: next EU country abolishes controls on Germany

5/20/2020, 8:38:05 PM

The easing in the Corona crisis is progressing. Germany will carefully open its borders. More and more EU partners are joining. The news ticker.

The easing in the Corona crisis is progressing. Germany will carefully open its borders. More and more EU partners are joining. The news ticker.

  • In the Corona crisis , almost all borders between countries were closed in Europe.
  • Even Germany sealed itself off from its neighbors from - now be decided by little relief.
  • The  Czech Republic also  reopens its borders with the Federal Republic (update from May 19, 5:45 p.m.).
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the corona virus * and the corona news from Germany *. You can also find current case numbers in Germany here as a map *. The following recommendations for corona protective measures * are currently available. The most important thing about the topic is also available on our brand new Facebook page Corona News. Become a fan now.
  • Update from May 19, 5.45 p.m .:  Now also the Czech Republic: The government in Prague wants to end the personal checks as part of the coronavirus pandemic on the border with Germany on June 15.

    The Czech Interior Minister Jan Hamacek announced this Tuesday at a meeting with the Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) at the Rozvadov-Waidhaus border crossing .

    From May 26, controls at several border crossings will only take place on a random basis, Hamacek announced. This is intended to relieve commuters in particular between the two EU countries.

    "I am glad that we can always find solutions to all kinds of problems together," said the 41-year-old, praising the agreements with Germany in the Corona crisis. In the middle of March, the Czech Republic imposed an extensive freeze on foreigners. According to information from the broadcaster CT , more than 24,000 people wishing to enter have since been refused.

    Corona crisis in the EU: Foreign Minister Maas makes the first statement after consulting with EU countries

    Update from May 18, 2:29 p.m .: Because of the Corona crisis, a worldwide travel warning has been in force in Germany for the first time since March 17. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas announces that it will not be extended beyond June 15.

    "The Germans are world champions in travel," said Foreign Minister Maas in Berlin on Monday at the start of a press conference after consulting with colleagues from various holiday countries. But all decisions are primarily about health. 

    As of June 15, the worldwide travel warning will be replaced by travel information for the individual countries, Maas announces. Of course, these travel tips could also say that we warn of certain countries, the Foreign Minister emphasizes. However, Germany could no longer maintain a worldwide travel warning in view of the infection events.

    There will be restrictions in all countries - such as on the beach or in restaurants - says Maas. He also talked to his EU colleagues about the normalization of border controls and the quarantine regulations of the individual countries. However, Maas did not give any further details. 

    With its security and travel information, the Federal Foreign Office wants to enable travelers to make an informed decision. The information draws attention to country-specific risks and is regularly checked and updated. Depending on the assessment of the security situation, they may contain the recommendation to restrict travel or to refrain from it. As a rule, holidaymakers are not entitled to cancellation free of charge by referring to a notice.

    Apparently three Germans could not wait to go to Mallorca from Cologne on Monday. But they were stopped at the airport in Palma. 

    By the way: While politicians are currently intensively dealing with the question of possible border openings despite the corona pandemic, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has started a large-scale study to further research the corona virus. You can read details about the procedure and the objectives of the investigation at *. 

    Border opening despite Corona: Maas announces decisive step in travel warnings

    Update of May 17, 9:57 p.m .: The Federal Government assumes that vacation will be possible in large parts of Europe this summer despite the coronavirus pandemic. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) said on Sunday in the ARD program "Report from Berlin" that there are positive developments in the fight against the corona virus in many countries. After June 15th, "there should be" no more worldwide travel warnings, said Maas.

    "Instead we want to replace this with travel information from which people can see: Where can you go? Where is it responsible? Where are you welcome? ”Said Maas. Everyone would then have to decide for themselves "whether they want to go there on vacation with the restrictions that will be everywhere".

    Corona measures: opening the border to Denmark only a matter of time

    Update, 15:14 : On Monday, Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) wants to speak in a video conference with Spain, Italy, Austria, Greece, Croatia, Portugal, Malta, Slovenia, Cyprus and Bulgaria - it should be an orderly procedure for the reopening of the borders go for tourist purposes. The global travel warning will no longer be extended after June 14th if there is no setback in the fight against pandemics - but for now the easing will only apply to Europe.

    Travel for tourist purposes is currently not allowed - according to the border authorities, most of them have stuck to it. After the strict controls had been abolished, there was not significantly more traffic at the border crossings . Visits to companions or distant relatives, study purposes or "maintaining a rented apartment" are now recognized as reasons for entering and leaving the country .


    Coronavirus On the Denmark - Germany border, protests were made for an opening of the border

    © dpa / Claus Fisker

    In order to be able to end the controls on the border to Denmark in addition to the border with Luxembourg, the green light from Kopenhaben is still missing. In Saed (Denmark) there were protests today for a border opening .

    By the way: Not only in terms of border opening, a lot is currently moving, the catering industry in Germany is also gradually opening up . However, an expert from the Berlin Hygiene Institute is not at all satisfied with the hygiene concepts of most federal states. 

    Corona virus border controls: time will be remembered in Luxembourg

    Update from May 17, 9:35 am: In Luxembourg , where the borders to Germany have been open since yesterday, the time of the crisis will not be forgotten so quickly. Luxembourg's Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn, who met with Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas yesterday, spoke on ZDF that the border closures had caused a lot of resentment. Local residents told of separated families and difficulties in everyday life in the small country.

    We stopped border controls on #Luxembourg today. It is an important sign. Europe lives from the fact that it is a Europe without borders. #EuropeUnited

    - Heiko Maas (@HeikoMaas) May 16, 2020

    According to ZDF , Maas plans to start negotiations with ten other countries, where border controls have not yet completely ceased to exist, such as for Luxembourg, to further loosen them or to dispense with them.

    Border openings in the Corona crisis: there is no rush

    Update from May 16, 5:03 pm: The easier border traffic between Germany and its neighbors has not led to significantly more entries. According to the federal police, there were hardly any traffic jams at the border crossings and there was no increased volume of travelers overall. The officials have also found no "noticeably increased travel movements" by people who have illegally tried to come to Germany for shopping or for tourist reasons, said a spokesman.

    Update from May 16, 2:06 p.m .:  In the Czech Republic, the state of emergency due to the coronavirus pandemic expires at night from Sunday to Monday. But the entry stop for tourists from Germany and other countries remains on a different basis, said a spokesman for the Interior Ministry in Prague. The Czech Ministry of Health published a related regulation on "Protection against the introduction of Covid-19" . It is valid for an unlimited period from May 18.

    Corona crisis in Germany: Italy announces date for border openings

    Update from May 16, 10.20 a.m .: In addition to the easing at German border crossings , Italy has now also announced a plan for possible border openings . From June 3, the borders are to be opened, making entry for EU citizens possible again.

    Croatia is also planning to open its borders to tourists soon. Zoran Milanovic stressed on Friday that his country lives from tourism and said according to "The door is open to everyone". Slovenia also opens its borders again. 

    Corona crisis in Germany: The first border openings are already in place

    Update from May 15, 8:20 p.m .:  The easing of the controls imposed at the German border crossings * due to the pandemic have already been announced, now they are certain. From Saturday, May 16, border controls * with Austria , France and Switzerland will be  relaxed. 

    But travelers are only allowed in one of the neighboring countries for two specific reasons . Entry is only permitted for business reasons or for family visits. It is not possible to travel from the federal territory to go shopping or to refuel, and tourist- type entries are also excluded .

    Controls at the Luxembourg * border will also be completely eliminated, while surveillance of the Danish border will continue for the time being. Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer announced the steps to gradually open the borders on Wednesday. In mid-March, the country's borders in the fight against the corona pandemic * had been closed indefinitely.

    Finally. The border will be opened tonight, at least the fence will fall away. Controls and restrictions remain, but the direction is right! #Konstanz #Grenzoeffungen

    - Christine Finke (@Mama_arbeit) May 15, 2020

    Border openings in the Corona crisis: Denmark is probably discussing easing entry requirements

    Update from May 14, 9:47 p.m .:  Denmark seems  to want to make a few concessions to  the tourist industry.  According to Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, holidaymakers with a rental contract for a holiday home or a hotel reservation , for example, could already be admitted into the country. However, this must first be discussed in political talks.

    Of course, the head of government does not want to simply open the borders and thousands of people travel around and let each other be infected: “If we talk about a model that deals with people who come to Denmark as tourists , where it can help the local communities, then it is something else. ”However, she warned of the risk of infection. “It is wonderful to welcome a German family who is not sick . It is a little difficult to say the least when a German family comes here and has Corona and infects others. ”

    Update from May 14, 8:23 p.m .: Denmark continues to open its borders again. The government still does not want to commit to an appointment. It had been agreed that news on the borders would be announced by June 1, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said upon arrival for a TV debate with the leaders of the other Danish parliamentary parties. That will be adhered to.

    Several parties want Denmark to already reach an agreement with Germany so that tourism in the country can get going. German holidaymakers traditionally provide the majority of the guests in the Danish holiday homes, which is why the situation on the German-Danish border is particularly important for the travel sector.

    Border openings in the Corona crisis: Germany is pushing ahead with plans in the south and west

    First registration from May 14, 6 p.m .:

    Munich - It already had something of a journey into the past. In the wake of the corona pandemic, the European countries closed their external borders * . Country after country sealed itself off - to contain the rampant virus . In one fell swoop, hundreds of millions of EU citizens lost their favorite freedom of travel *. The neighboring countries were still closer, but suddenly so far away.

    These measures * played their part in ensuring that numerous states - including Germany - quickly mastered the spread of SARS-CoV-2. The success of this strategy has positive consequences: The Federal Republic will gradually reopen the borders to its neighboring countries . Of course, this will not happen as abruptly as the closings in the second half of March. Coordination is the magic word here. After all, the borders were locked from both sides and the barriers were only ordered into the vertical in exceptional cases.

    Border openings in the Corona crisis: plan with Switzerland, Austria and France is in place

    Switzerland, Austria and France already have a concrete timetable . In agreement with all three countries, internal border controls will be extended until June 15 , but relief will have been made at all crossings to these neighboring countries from May 16 . That means: only random checks are carried out. And in close coordination between the respective nations.

    "I liked it very much and it corresponds entirely to the European spirit that four neighboring countries are fighting a dangerous virus together, " explains Interior Minister Horst Seehofer . There would be a good reason for entry, but there should be more exceptions for travel for personal or family reasons . The Ministry cites students or unmarried couples as an example. The same time frame also applies to the airside borders with Italy and Spain .


    Pleased with the cooperation with numerous neighboring countries: Interior Minister Horst Seehofer announces easing at the borders.

    © dpa / Hannibal Hanschke

    Border openings in the corona crisis: everything depends on the number of infections

    A prerequisite, of course, is always a positive development in the number of infections - but this affects all the easing that we are currently being rewarded with. Seehofer emphasizes: "Four countries in the heart of Europe act in the same direction - the goal behind this is to have free travel in Europe again by mid-June , if the infection situation allows it." praises, it is also clear: "We must also be ready to react to deteriorations."

    And what is the situation like in the other six neighboring countries? Fundamentally different. The controls on the crossing to Luxembourg end as early as May 15 . From then on, the federal police will increasingly switch to “control and search measures in the 30-kilometer border area”. A solution for the border to Denmark is also being worked on. The Federal Government is open to the end of the controls, but Berlin and Copenhagen want to determine the time for this together. Before that, however, the Danes must find an agreement with their neighboring countries, Norway and Sweden .

    Border openings in the Corona crisis: good reasons for a trip to the Netherlands or Belgium necessary

    The road to the Netherlands is officially free, but travelers should be able to show a valid reason . In addition, a two-week quarantine * can be imposed on both arrival and later return . This applies to guests who are more than 30 kilometers away from the border.

    In the case of  Belgium , "crossings not absolutely necessary" are prohibited. For example, a valid entry reason is considered a job in the neighboring country, school or doctor visits there as well as urgent family matters. The border police is responsible for the decision in individual cases.

    In the “ZDF” interview, Oliver Paasch, Prime Minister of the German-speaking community in Belgium, mentions the government's conditions for opening the border: “First, the epidemiological situation in the neighboring country must be comparable . Second, the neighboring country must agree to allow Belgians to enter the country . ”

    Border openings in the Corona crisis: Poland and the Czech Republic only wave exceptional cases

    Entry into Poland will only be possible in exceptional cases at least until June 12th . Only people with a special permit are waved through , for example for professional, school or student reasons. Commuters must have a negative corona test * every 14 days.

    This also applies to the Czech Republic . The border crossing continues to open only in exceptional cases , for example for "cross-border commuters, employees in international freight transport, employees in critical infrastructures and integrated emergency services, and cross-border commuters in health care and social services".

    Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis does not want to rush anything. He told the online edition of the newspaper Blesk on Wednesday that the situation regarding the corona pandemic was “not ideal” in Germany and especially in Bavaria . The founder of the populist party ANO prefers a mutual border opening within the so-called Austerlitz format, which includes the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria - but not Germany. Babis mentioned June 8th or 15th as possible times .


    To the dismay of some commuters, it only opens in exceptional cases: Polish citizens demonstrate at the border crossing.

    © dpa / Stefan Sauer

    A German study suggests that the coronavirus damages other organs in addition to the lungs. Another talks about the consequences of loneliness. Due to the corona crisis, the department store chain Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof now wants to draw drastic consequences.

    * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


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