The Limited Times

Controversial emergency in Spain extended until June 6th

5/20/2020, 6:58:59 PM

The fight against Corona is quite successful in the hotspot Spain. However, the left government continues to apply the brakes heavily on the exit from the lockdown. The state of emergency, including the curfew, is extended again. The protests by lockdown opponents threaten to escalate.

The fight against Corona is quite successful in the hotspot Spain. However, the left government continues to apply the brakes heavily on the exit from the lockdown. The state of emergency, including the curfew, is extended again. The protests by lockdown opponents threaten to escalate.

Madrid (dpa) - In the Corona hotspot Spain, the lockdown has been extended for the fifth time despite fierce opposition from the opposition and increasing protests by disgruntled citizens.

The parliament in Madrid accepted a corresponding proposal from the left government by a narrow majority. According to this decision, the alarm status, which has been in force since mid-March, including strict restrictions on going out, will last until at least midnight on June 6th.

Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez's minority government wanted to extend the "Estado de alarma", the third highest level of emergency in the country, by a whole month. But she didn't get enough support for that. On Tuesday, however, a compromise on a two-week extension was reached with the liberal party Ciudadanos on the eve of the vote.

The support of the ten Liberal MPs, who are not at all close to the government, but who, after a shift to the right and the election debacle at the end of 2019, are now trying to distinguish themselves as representatives of the political center, turned out to be decisive: the vote was only 167 to 162 won.

In his justification speech, Sánchez had rejected the harsh criticism of the conservative opposition MPs, Vox right-wing populists and some regional parties. "Nobody has the right to frivolously gamble away what we have achieved." Eliminating the emergency would be "grossly irresponsible", he emphasized.

The strongest opposition faction, the conservative PP, voted for the first time against a new extension. It is not only she who accuses Sánchez of misusing the state of emergency to escape control by the opposition. In addition, the lockdown destroys the country's economy, it is said.

The protests of lockdown critics and opponents of the socialist Sánchez have been increasing for a week and a half. Hundreds of people demonstrate, sometimes crowded, on the streets, beating pots and violating the ban on assembly. Now the protests threaten to escalate, my media watcher.

Only in the context of the alarm condition can the government in Spain severely restrict the rights of citizens across the country. For example, there is a strict block on going out, which has only recently been gradually relaxed. The borders are to be opened to foreign tourists at the end of June at the earliest.

But there are also stricter measures to contain the pandemic: from Thursday, protective masks must be worn in all public areas in Spain, including shops. The obligation also applies outdoors, "if the minimum safety distance of two meters cannot be guaranteed", as stated in the decree published on Tuesday evening. Until now, protective masks were only required in public transport in Spain. Small children up to the age of five are exempt from the obligation.

With more than 230,000 cases of infection and almost 28,000 deaths, Spain is one of the countries most affected by the pandemic. The numbers have been getting better for weeks. The newly recorded deaths on Wednesday were only in double digits for the fourth day in a row. The decline is "larger than in other countries such as Italy," said Health Minister Salvador Illa.

Report from the TV station RTVE

Decree on the obligation to wear a mask

Latest figures from the Ministry of Health

houses of Parliament