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Corona Talk at Lanz: Criminal Investigator accuses Seehofer of "stupid stuff"

5/20/2020, 6:11:17 PM

How will Horst Seehofer present the first crime statistics in the corona crisis? A commissioner is certain of “Markus Lanz”: she won't be good.

How will Horst Seehofer present the first crime statistics in the corona crisis? A commissioner is certain of “Markus Lanz”: she won't be good.

  • Commissioner for Detective Sebastian Fiedler also sat in Markus Lanz 's round of talks on May 19 .
  • The expert sees a strong impact of the corona crisis * on crime .
  • Fiedler ranted in the ZDF talk against the country heads .
  • The most important Sars CoV-2 facts *, the nationwide Corona News *, the current number of cases * for Germany and the Corona protection recommendations *.

Hamburg - A criminal commissioner at Markus Lanz's ZDF talk   predicted the year 2020 "the worst police crime statistics we have ever had" because of the Corona Kris e *. "Based on its value," added Sebastian Fiedler , who sat next to Hamburg's Mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD) , journalist Kristina Dunz and physics professor Dirk Brockmann .

First of all, however, it was about the Corona demos , which sometimes involved attacks on journalists * - also relevant for statistics. Fiedler vehemently called for the demarcation of extremist participants in the so-called "hygiene demos" . Demos were "completely legitimate disputes that are held on the street" - but there were also people mixed in there. "We see that here. We saw that at Pegida , ”says Fiedler, and Dunz agrees.

Markus Lanz (ZDF) / Corona Talk: Criminal Commissioner counters Tschentscher (SPD)

Lanz wants to empathize with Fiedler, who is also a riot police officer : "It is incredibly ungrateful when you have to stand for decisions that were not in your own area - but you have to implement them and explain them to people." Fiedler is objective : "It is in our DNA that we have sworn an oath to the constitution, and therefore freedom of assembly is a great asset for us." He only paid attention to what participants mingled with the protests.

When Tschentscher explains the political approach to the Corona requirements * , Fiedler starts to move. The more drastic the measures * , the shorter their duration, "so that we can always justify why we have to uphold certain regulations," said the SPD politician . Fiedler refers to German federalism when he interjects: "And it doesn't really help us that we have 16 different debates." Former Federal Minister of the Interior Thomas de Maiziere (CDU) had federal responsibility for "such. Long before the corona pandemic Situations ”.

Markus Lanz (ZDF) / Corona-Talk: "Significant effects" on police statistics

Another point that worries Fiedler especially in the Corona crisis is how politicians deal with police crime statistics . In the case of crimes that are difficult to monitor, such as white-collar crime, corruption or environmental crime, the police can only see it "well below ten percent". 

And at that point Fiedler railed against the vanity of politicians: "You can measure my resting heart rate when Mr. Seehofer presents the police crime statistics and explains that we are such a safe country. This is simply stupid stuff , because he would have to make this statement in a more differentiated manner. ”He does n't just mean Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) . One hears from all interior ministers of the countries "always the same sentences".

Germany is one of the safest countries in the world, Fiedler admits, but the statistics are just the "proof of work of the police". His suggestion for goodness: "Periodic safety reports" to get a better grip on the "dark fields". Fiedler is certain that the Corona crisis will have "significant effects" . These security reports have been in the coalition agreement "long ago" and the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) is currently working on the idea, he continues.

Markus Lanz (ZDF) / Corona Talk: Moderator laughs at anecdote about border closure

Pleasing views exist in this Corona-talk round at least from Brockmann provided by he co-developed Data Sharing App reported the use of fitness trackers a real-time fever card created for Germany. So far, 52,000 volunteers have participated in the project, which is to help fight the pandemic. Half a percent of the population of Germany. "Although this is not a representative sample - it is a building block," says Brockmann with satisfaction.

When it comes to border closings * , the group does not come to any really new knowledge - but at least a joke. Fiedler reports on a shopping center on the Luxembourg-Belgium border. “If people want to go to the entrance, they have to drive across Belgian territory - and then pay a fine!” He says. Lanz snorts: "Wonderful!"


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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