The Limited Times

Corona transmission: New knowledge would lead the distance rule to absurdity

5/20/2020, 8:20:05 PM

Those who adhere to the applicable precautionary measures are largely protected in the Corona crisis. So we thought so far. But the virus also seems to be able to be transmitted over distances.

Those who adhere to the applicable precautionary measures are largely protected in the Corona crisis. So we thought so far. But the virus also seems to be able to be transmitted over distances.

  • The corona crisis * has fundamentally changed how people interact with one another.
  • However, new studies suggest that some protective measures are useless.
  • Because the virus SARS-CoV-2 apparently also transmits via so-called aerosols.
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the corona virus * and the corona news from Germany. We also offer you the current number of cases in Germany * on a map. The following recommendations for corona protective measures * are currently available.

Munich - Superspreaders pose an immense danger to humanity. This term describes people who infect a large number of people with an illness . Like now with Covid-19. Of course, in most cases they don't do this on purpose - mostly their own infection is simply not known. But these super spreaders also counteract all measures to contain the current pandemic. And can make the number of reproductions so sacred in this context skyrocket again.

Video: Current figures on the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany

A superspreader case in the USA has now steered science in a new direction when researching SARS-CoV-2 * and revealed a momentous finding. Accordingly, the novel virus is not only transmitted through droplets, but also through aerosols . It is much more difficult to get at. It is not entirely new that aerosol transmission could be possible. There have already been studies in this direction. However, the distribution path has not yet been confirmed. The Robert Koch Institute, for example, concludes on its website on aerosols: "Even if a final assessment is difficult at the present time, the studies to date generally indicate that SARS-CoV-2 viruses also transmit via aerosols in society can be. " 

Coronavirus transmission by aerosols: Almost complete chorus groups become infected while singing

But first back to the specific case in the state of Washington. A choir group met there at the beginning of March - even then under corona-related safety precautions * . There were no warm greetings, disinfectants * were available to all members, the distance rules were observed.

Nevertheless, 53 of 61 people present apparently fell ill with Covid-19 . Tests were successful in 33, 20 more showed symptoms *. Three people even had to be treated in the hospital; for two of them, any help came too late. This chain of infection was triggered by a single choir member who carried the virus while singing together.

Read more:  In March, the corona virus really caught on in Germany. But the first cases already occurred in January. A study is tracking them down - and shows how the coronavirus was able to spread from patient 0 in Germany.

Coronavirus transmission by aerosols: Keeping apart is probably not enough for protection

According to Spiegel , a similar case occurred in the Berlin Cathedral Choir. 80 choir singers met here, more than 30 of them became infected . Here, too, the most important precautionary measures had been strictly observed.

In the end, these experiences only allowed one conclusion: The sneezing, coughing or speaking of the new coronavirus is not only spread by droplets, but also by the aerosols already mentioned. These stay in the air for much longer, which means that maintaining distance would no longer be sufficient protection against infection * .

Coronavirus Transmission by Aerosols: US Study Apparently Talks About Aerosol Distribution

This is also the conclusion of a US study. In this, test subjects spoke the phrase “Stay healthy” in a closed room for 25 seconds   . Especially the "th" in the second word was seen as a good yardstick, since its pronunciation causes many droplets . The result of the test: extrapolated to one minute, speaking in closed rooms would release more than 1,000 droplets contaminated by viruses that would remain in the air for more than eight minutes.

According to aerobiologist Donald Milton , even simple breathing could be enough to distribute aerosols in the air. The infectious disease expert and his team tested the emissions of subjects with flu symptoms and came to the conclusion: "They did not have to cough to eject viruses." However, it was not clear whether these aerosols released in this way could already cause infection.


Experimental setup: A US study tracked down the aerosols.


Coronavirus transmission through aerosols: RKI sees dependence on loudness when speaking

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) describes the aerosols as droplet cores that are smaller than five micrometers. So invisible to the human eye. The experts refer to a "study with experimentally generated aerosols and enriched with SARS-CoV-2 viruses", according to which "reproducible viruses can be detected for up to three hours ". However, this "artificial mechanical aerosol production" differs fundamentally from human emissions.

However, studies have shown that aerosols are released “when speaking normally and depending on the volume” and could transmit the virus. The RKI gives singing in a group as an example of a spread. However, a final assessment is still difficult.

By the way: In another study, researchers from the RKI, among others, looked at the question of whether an infected person can already transmit the coronavirus to others before they show the first symptoms. The scientists' findings are sobering. 

Coronavirus transmission by aerosols: This danger is averted in the open air

However, the virologist Christian Drosten * emphasizes in the SZ : "I think you have to assume that aerosol transmission takes place ." The coronavirus expert refers to results from Hong Kong: Half of the viruses that are excreted by humans are in aerosols find .

The conclusion: Life should be shifted more and more outside. Because under the open sky: "Anything that is spread via aerosol transmission will blow away." Alternatively, the windows would have to be torn open to ensure air circulation.


Assumes virus transmission by aerosols: Christian Drosten is a virologist at the Berlin Charité.

© dpa / Michael Kappeler

We report on all developments in connection with the corona pandemic in Germany in our news ticker. We also keep you up to date on political decisions. You can also read which new study on the coronavirus the Robert Koch Institute recently started and how it should proceed at *.

Meanwhile, there are more and more demonstrations by opponents of the restrictions. The conspiracy theorists * are currently booming. Politicians flashed a vaccine demand from the pharmaceutical industry - this also mentioned a fundamental problem.

The meat industry is under pressure in the corona crisis - even a CSU politician is calling for a price increase.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


List of rubric lists: © dpa / Bernd Thissen

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