The Limited Times

Deconfinement: a semi-liberty station wagon for this Ascension bridge

5/20/2020, 9:23:11 PM

The many city dwellers who count on this extended weekend to breathe a little will have to deal with the sanitary rules imposed by the

Funny weekend. The big sun, which is announced for almost all of France until Sunday, May 24, invites you to make the most of the Ascension Bridge, the first of the post-containment. But also suggests a lot of frustration because of the strict rules related to the Covid-19 epidemic, which will limit our possibilities of escapades.

No, we will not find all the little pleasures associated with holidays, even very short ones. No sipped glass on the terrace, drinks with friends at the local bar or dinner in the restaurant where the family usually likes to meet. But the main constraint is geographic: impossible to escape far.

The 100 km rule, which must not be exceeded except for compelling family or professional reasons or on condition of remaining within its department, condemns to stays in the ultra-proximity. Those who try to get rid of them risk a stiff fine, of 135 euros.

Secretary of State for Transport Jean-Baptiste Djebbari reminds us: "There will be strong mobilizations of the police, not to annoy the French, but to ensure compliance with this rule which allows avoid the spread of the virus during this somewhat fragile health period. "

Gîtes, guest rooms and rentals taken by storm

Happy therefore the owners of a second home not too far from their home in which they can stay to breathe a few days. For others, finding accommodation for one, two or three nights has sometimes turned into a headache.

Parisians in particular, many who wish to move away from their often cramped accommodation to enjoy a less paved horizon, are faced with the harsh law of supply and demand. It was thus, from the beginning of the week, very difficult to find a lodging, a bed and breakfast or even a rental on the booking platforms between individuals.

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Rather than staying at home, most of the escape candidates will be satisfied with a hop-off, a day trip to a tourist site without sleeping there. Smart Bison plans significant traffic throughout the weekend around the major cities. As of this Wednesday evening, traffic began to increase. According to the traffic information company TomTom, at 6 p.m. it took 21 minutes longer than usual to leave the capital and its region.