The Limited Times

If you're waiting for The Last of Us Part II, you can now pre-order the exclusive PS4 edition with the game

5/20/2020, 7:29:05 PM

2020 is not being the best year but one of the good things it will bring will undoubtedly be The Last of Us Part II, the continuation of what many consider one of the best, if not the best, game of ...

2020 is not being the best year but one of the good things it will bring will undoubtedly be The Last of Us Part II , the continuation of what many consider to be one of the best, if not the best, game in history.

For those who do not usually play with game consoles, it may sound a little exaggerated, but The Last of Us  managed to elevate this genre to another art form, with careful scripts, well-defined characters and a story with nothing to envy to a Hollywood blockbuster.

For insiders, The Last of Us Part II places the action five years after the first installment. Joel and Ellie have moved to Wyoming, and Ellie has become a wiser teenager who is not afraid to fight for her survival. When you come into contact with a mysterious Christian cult, you must take up arms to protect those you love and the way of life you know.

What little has been seen of the game promises to raise the bar again for what a video game should be. It not only has beautiful graphics and an exquisite level of detail, but also a story that aims to be as complex and impactful as that of its predecessor.

The game will go on sale on June 19 and to celebrate, Sony will launch a special edition of the PS4 Pro console, headphones and a controller with the decoration of the game. The console, game and controller pack will also include a digital theme for the console's main menu and exclusive avatars for gamers.

It cannot be enjoyed yet (we would like to) but we are already counting the days on the calendar and what we can do is reserve it to be able to enjoy the game from the first minute.

  • The Last of Us Part 2 Standard Edition for the PlayStation 4 ($ 59.99;
  • The Last of Us Part 2 PS4 Pro Bundle ($ 399.99;
  • DUALSHOCK 4 The Last of Us Part II Limited Edition Controller ($ 64.99;
  • PlayStation 4 Gold The Last of Us Part II Wireless Headset ($ 99.99;

And of course if you haven't played the first installment yet it's time to do it

  • The Last of Us Remastered ($ 15;

Note: The above prices reflect the price at the time of article posting.

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