The Limited Times

Marimar Vega revealed a very personal episode of her ex-marriage

5/20/2020, 4:59:11 PM

Marimar Vega made a confession during an Instagram Live with Rossana Nájera, which is from the stage in which she was married to Luis Ernesto Franco.

Talks between celebrities have become increasingly common on Instagram, more in times of quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic that afflicts everyone. This is how friends Marimar Vega and Rossana Nájera starred in a talk on the popular social network, in which, with an open heart, they discussed a very personal topic: motherhood.

Like never before, the actresses revealed their reasons for not having children, and in an act of honesty, they shared with their followers that both suffered great losses. To the surprise of her fans, the eldest daughter of the late Gonzalo Vega said that during her married time she went through an episode like this.

With all the sincerity that characterizes her, Marimar acknowledged that it is not clear if she will seek to be a mother later, "I know that they are 36 years old, it is not like I am 20 and I have to continue doubting. But well, at the time, when I I got married, I looked at it, I tried, then I also lost a baby, that's another thing, that everyone loses babies and doesn't dare to talk about it, then I got divorced and decided I didn't want to have children. "

It should be noted that although Vega did not make the limitation, he was referring to the marriage that he had, from 2015 to 2018, with also actor Luis Ernesto Franco , 36 years old.

The Mexican confessed that, after that loss, she thought she would no longer try, but then love knocked on her door again. "You start to have another relationship, to have the illusion of starting a family and I have always said that I don't want to be a mom, I say, if it is my turn, it will be, but as a single mom decision, if at some point I decide to be a mom, I know the family plan strikes me, I grew up in a family, I am very familiar, I love families, so if I had children it would be like this, "he explained.

The revelations of the famous followed and explained that, with her pet, she discovered her most protective side, "Many people are going to laugh at me, they are going to say that I am a fool, but 'La Chata', is a fundamental part that unleashed that maternal instinct that I thought I didn't have. "

Following doubts about motherhood, Vega chose to freeze her eggs. "A year ago, exactly when my nephew was born, Zuria invited me to her delivery, just before she invited me, I had already made the decision to freeze my eggs and those are very Marimar decisions that I made insane, like , 'Ah yes, I am going to freeze them!', As if it were something simple and the process was very hard, it hit me a lot, "he recalled.

In this sense, the television star rethought her role in the family, a situation that now no longer worries her, "I was very conflicted, as if it were wrong to be the aunt taking the video, so I went to therapy too, she gave me as a postpartum-depression Zuria, regarding my frozen egg, cried and cried. "

"Then I started to arrange it like this, 'Yes, at some point I am Aunt Marimar and that's it', that's fine," he added. In the revealing conversation, he also recognized that, to date, motherhood is a facet that is still unclear whether or not he wants to experience, "Right now I am there, I do not want to, I do not know."


Luis Ernesto Franco revealed the reason for his separation from Marimar Vega

Luis Ernesto Franco spoke about how he feels after his divorce from Marimar Vega

Zuria, Gonzalo and Marimar Vega remember their father three years after his departure

IN VIDEO: Zuria Vega is about to give birth and she shows it with this video