The Limited Times

Nicole Notat in charge of piloting the very sensitive “Ségur de la santé”

5/20/2020, 7:11:05 PM

The former CFDT leader promises to exercise this mission "while having at heart to organize mutual listening and dialogue between all stakeholders".

Supported by Emmanuel Macron in 2017 and the first woman to lead a large union in France, the CFDT, between 1992 and 2002, Nicole Notat was charged on Wednesday with a delicate mission: to lead the "Ségur de la santé", supposed to rebuild the hospital of tomorrow. "Out of respect for the participants, I will refrain from any expression" during this period, said the founder and ex-patron of the rating agency Vigeo Eiris, promising to exercise this mission "having at heart to organize mutual listening and dialogue between all stakeholders ” .

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But the one who was nicknamed "the Tsarina" will have to move quickly. The executive wants to draw "no later than mid-July" the conclusions of these consultations, said Wednesday Olivier Véran, after the Council of Ministers, thanking "warmly" Nicole Notat for his "support" . The Minister of Health wants to speed up the pace. Because if, with the law My health 2022, adopted in 2019, the government made "the right diagnosis" and took "the right directions ", it was "neither fast enough nor strong enough ", he said. hammered again.

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Olivier Véran promises to respond to the discomfort of caregivers with "far- reaching measures" and "to a certain extent radical" . This will go through "an increase in hospital salaries" and "a questioning of certain shackles that prevent those who wish to work more" . A sensitive but necessary project when the Minister judged that the French health system was "not efficient enough" .

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